Thursday, December 8, 2011

December Happenings

Hi all,
Take a minute and look at the photos of our Ancestor Share Fair at the bottom of this entry.
I sent home a progress report yesterday.  I hope you received that.  
Tomorrow (Friday, 2:30) our school choir and orchestra will perform for the other students.  I'm looking forward to that performance.  It's always fun to see my students shine.

Coming up on the 15th (Thursday), we will walk to the Randall Jones Theater at SUU and watch
"A Christmas Carol".  This will cost each of us $1.00.  We plan to leave the school at 9:15 AM and return in time for lunch.  Please make sure you sign the permission slip that was sent home yesterday.

On Friday 16th we will have a Christmas party in the afternoon (that is, if we earn it, and we're pretty close).  I made a deal with my class that if three students could achieve a perfect score of 30 on
one of their essays (, and 90% of the class could score 24 or higher, we would double the length of the party and really celebrate!  They have been working on revising their essays so that they can increase their score.  Any practice they can get at home would be excellent.

We will begin learning how to play harmonicas in January.  The cost will be approximately $5.00, maybe less if I can find a better deal.  If you want to give one to your child for Christmas, just make sure that it is in the key of C.  You can buy them at the Cedar Music Store, or you can buy one from me later.  If you'd rather not buy one at all, I have a few that I can loan out.

We're learning about geometry now in math, and we're winding up our unit on chemical/physical changes in science.  In social studies we're learning about the War of 1812, the Texas Revolution, and the Mexican War. 

I can't believe that Christmas is just around the corner.  We're trying to pack a lot into next week.
Thanks for supporting my efforts here at school.  I hope you will contact me with your concerns.
I love my students and want them to be happy, confident, and successful.

Have a relaxing and memorable holiday!
--Jeanne Payne

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

November 2011

Important things to know for November:

     4th--Reflections Contest entries due.  (Thanks for encouraging students in this).
     8th--Pricila's birthday!
    11th--5th Grade Art will be displayed in the Sharwan Smith Center (SUU) for Veteran's Day.
    11th--Interview Questions for the Share Fair are due.  Students will use the information on this form to write the biographical essay about their ancestor.
    13th--Chandler's birthday!
    16th--Thanksgiving dinner for school lunch.  This is on Wednesday instead of Thursday (mistake on the school lunch menu).
    21st--5th Grade Ancestor Share Fair.  This is a big event, and will be held in the gym.  Family and friends are invited to drop in anytime between 2:00 and 3:15.
    23rd-25th--Thanksgiving Holiday

I have a couple of Share Fair displays set up in my classroom, if you'd like to drop by and look at them.
Remember, the only items required on the board are:  map of the country ancestor came from (students can draw or print one),  mode of transportation (sketch or picture),  information about the ancestor (typed or very neatly written),  value or tradition passed down  (religion, music, work ethic, skill, honesty, etc).  Anything else students wish to add to their displays are welcome.  Pictures, interesting facts or stories, artifacts, etc.

Yes, you may help your child.  We hope you will make this a family project.  The one thing we need students to do on their own is to write up the information in their own words. You can share with them the information, but they need to write it their way, using the information they wrote on the interview questionnaire.  We would like to enter these essays in the Sons of the Utah Pioneers Essay Contest in April.  Even though your ancestor may not have lived in Utah, we can still enter them in this contest.  Please call or email if you have questions.

Please encourage your child to practice typing at home.  A few minutes every day would be wonderful.  Thanks.

Because of your children, I am truly enjoying this school year.  Every day I smile all the way home, thinking about things they did and said!  I love getting to know them.
--Jeanne Payne 

PS:  Happy birthday, Pricila and Chandler!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

October 2011 Update

I have enjoyed meeting with all of you during SEP conferences, and discussing your child's progress.
A few dates to remember:
Friday  7th:          Book Projects are due
Monday 10th:      Choir concert @ 6:00
Sunday 16th:       Karsen Bleazard's birthday!
Monday 17th:      2nd book report due for Reading Revolution
                             and picture retake day
Tuesday 18th:      Final progress report for first term/newsletter
Thursday-Monday 20-24:  NO SCHOOL (Fall Recess)
Tuesday 25th:      All work for first term must be turned in to earn the Worker's Holiday (80% average
                               is also a requirement).
Wednesday 26th:  Worker's Holiday (further info coming October 18)
Wednesday 26th:  Volcano Explosion Day (more info coming home)
November 4:         Reflection's Contest due  (Theme is "Diversity is...")
November 4:         SUU Braithwaite Gallery Tour
November 21:       Ancestor Share Fair  (more info will come home).

I encourage all my students to enter the Reflection's Contest this year.  Entries are in the office.
We are learning more about erosion and weathering in science. We'll end this unit in a week or two.
The Revolutionary War and the Declaration of Independence are the topics for social studies, and we're getting ready to print our final copies of our scar story. 
Happy birthday, Karsen!  I love having you in my class this year.

One concern:  Most of our fifth grade students need to increase their typing speed, with their fingers in the correct position.  I plan on sending home some keyboarding homework to help with this. 

This year is going very well.  I have already fallen in love with your children!
Email or call if you'd like to discuss a concern with me.

Jeanne Payne


Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Here's What's Happening--September 2011

Items to Calendar:
          8th--After-school class, 3:30-4:15
          9th--School pictures
          12th--Back to School Bash, 5:30-8:00 PM
          13th--Orchestra & Arts Rotations begin, 1:15-2:00
          15th--Vision Screening
          23rd--Cedar Mountain Field Trip
          26th--Worker's Holiday, Kickball Tournament
          30th--Maturation Program

I sent home a packet of important papers today; I hope you had a chance to look at them.  They
included your child's progress report, September newsletter, permission slip for the field trip,
permission for the maturation program, and the Back to School Bash.  Please sign and return the permission slips.

August Reading Planner:  I apologize for miscalculating the reading time for August.  If your child read 300 minutes, s/he earned full credit.  If more than that was read, I gave extra credit (unless it was turned in late, then no extra credit was given).   For September, I expect students to read 600 minutes.

Students are enjoying the Kindles.  They are fun to read.  We have only six of them, but each student should be able to check one out every six weeks of so.   

I hope the newsletter your child brought home explained all of the above activities.  If you still have questions, please contact me.

Happy Birthday this month to Allie Nielsen!  We are lucky to have her in our class.

I am really enjoying your children.  This is a hard working and respectful group of students.
Thanks for sharing them with me this year.

Jeanne Payne 


Tuesday, August 16, 2011

August 24, 2011

Dear Parents,

Welcome!   I'm excited to begin a new year, getting to know you all and making wonderful memories.
I am enjoying getting to know your children these past few days. I love them already!   I have a great bunch of students this year.  It seems that I always get an amazing class, and I have you to thank for that.  You are doing an admirable job as parents, and I realize that you are trusting me with your most valuable "possessions".   I want you to know that I take that responsibility seriously.  I will do all I can to make sure they feel safe here, and that they are stretched academically.

     *We are working for a yummy pan of brownies, but we can't get it until the entire class has come prepared with math homework ten days in a row.  So far we have been successful four days in a row.  Please double check with your child to see if s/he is prepared each day.  I want the first ten days to be a great success!

It is easy for me to communicate with you by email, and you are welcome to contact me that way.
My school account is:

Please feel free to come visit with me about your child.  I want to know how I can best help
him/her succeed this year. 

Also, please send me a short reply, so that I know you received this.

Jeanne Payne 

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

April 26, 2011 One Month of School Left!

Hard to believe, isn't it?  Only 23 days left, and we have a lot to do.  Here are some things you need to know:

Zion Field Trip has been changed to Thursday, May 19, since the buses are needed on Fridays for high school events.  If any of you parents wish to chaperone, you are welcome.  We will send home an official notice next week.

End of Level Tests for this week have also changed.  We will take our Language Arts tests this Wednesday (11:00 AM) and Friday (9:00 AM).    Our Science tests will be May 3rd and 5th, both at 10:00 AM, and our Math tests will be May 10th and 12th at 9:00 AM.  If you would like to send treats for any of those days, we would love that (31 students).  We are reviewing every day until May 12th, so please make sure your child is in school.  Also, encourage your children to take Utips Tests at home. 

CMS Tour:  May 16
Reading Revolution:  Last day for book reports to be turned in is Monday, May 16.
Orchestra Concert:  May 17.
Wax Museum:  May 18
Field Day/Soccer Game (5th grade vs. teachers)
Worker's Holiday (Tent-a-thon):  May 25
Memorial Day Program (5th grade program):  Thursday, May 26, 2:00 PM

Hopefully, these dates won't change.  We'll let you know more about them as time gets closer.
If you want to look at the science fair photos, you can see them on Mrs. Williams' blog (click on her picture on the school web site).
Please call if you have questions or need to discuss a concern.  I value your support.  I have grown to love your children, and I consider you all my friends.  I'll be sad to see this year come to a close.

Mrs. Jeanne Payne

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

March 2011

Hopefully, you all received the newsletter/permission slip and progress report that just went home.
This needs to be returned promptly, so that your child can participate in the final Worker's Holiday for 3rd Term, swimming at SUU's pool this Friday.  SUU was kind enough to open their pool for us, even though it is their spring break.  They also gave us a $2.00 deal, and since we can walk, we won't need to pay for a bus.

How is the science fair project coming?  I've tried to lighten the homework load, so students
have time to get this done without a lot of stress.  They should have their project planned by now.
Only one week to go.   We've been working on Circuit Cities in our classroom, to culminate our unit on current electricity.   Thanks to Mr. Seamons (Ryan's dad), for spending time soldering wires, and helping groups solve connection problems.  It's been great having an expert come in!  We'll share these at the science fair on the 25th.

Have you tried accessing math assignments online?

Battle of the Books competition is coming in May.  Keep reading!                                  
Spelling Bee is also around the corner in April.  More information will come home.  The PTA is in charge of this, and it should be a challenging experience for those who love to spell.

It has been thrilling for me to see the personalities of these students emerge.  I love their enthusiasm, their growing confidence, and their sense of humor.   I also enjoyed visiting (though briefly) with you at SEP's. 

Did you hear that Tia's and Dream's Grandpa Weaver was nominated as Volunteer of the Year?
I appreciate all those who volunteer in our classroom.  You make my work easier.  Thanks for sharing your children with me!

---Jeanne Payne