Hard to believe, isn't it? Only 23 days left, and we have a lot to do. Here are some things you need to know:
Zion Field Trip has been changed to Thursday, May 19, since the buses are needed on Fridays for high school events. If any of you parents wish to chaperone, you are welcome. We will send home an official notice next week.
End of Level Tests for this week have also changed. We will take our Language Arts tests this Wednesday (11:00 AM) and Friday (9:00 AM). Our Science tests will be May 3rd and 5th, both at 10:00 AM, and our Math tests will be May 10th and 12th at 9:00 AM. If you would like to send treats for any of those days, we would love that (31 students). We are reviewing every day until May 12th, so please make sure your child is in school. Also, encourage your children to take Utips Tests at home.
CMS Tour: May 16
Reading Revolution: Last day for book reports to be turned in is Monday, May 16.
Orchestra Concert: May 17.
Wax Museum: May 18
Field Day/Soccer Game (5th grade vs. teachers)
Worker's Holiday (Tent-a-thon): May 25
Memorial Day Program (5th grade program): Thursday, May 26, 2:00 PM
Hopefully, these dates won't change. We'll let you know more about them as time gets closer.
If you want to look at the science fair photos, you can see them on Mrs. Williams' blog (click on her picture on the school web site).
Please call if you have questions or need to discuss a concern. I value your support. I have grown to love your children, and I consider you all my friends. I'll be sad to see this year come to a close.
Mrs. Jeanne Payne