Happy New Year!
It's good to be back into a routine. I hope you had a relaxing vacation.
Parents, I have a few concerns that I need your help with.
First, our fifth graders will take the Direct Writing Assessment (statewide writing test) the last week of February. Although they are making great strides in their writing, most of them need an extra push at home. I sent home a letter today asking if you could sit down with your child and read the essay s/he has written, then help with revision and editing. There is a checklist that you can use to help you. I hope that you will be able to find the time to do this.
I need the essay to be returned to school by Monday, so that we can go to the computer lab and try to type them within an hour time. I say "try" because many of the students in the class type slowly, and can't finish the essay in an hour...
This brings me to my other concern. Please encourage your child to practice typing everyday, using proper fingering, so they can be more prepared to take the big test. I believe daily practice is needed.
I would like to begin teaching the harmonica on January 18 (Wednesday). I understand that about half of the class received harmonicas for Christmas (excellent!). The rest can purchase one from me for $4.50, or you can buy one at Cedar Music Store. If you choose not to purchase one, I have a few I can loan. It's nice if students have their own, so they can take it home each night and practice, but whatever you decide.
Science: We are studying magnets now, a fascinating unit for students (and me!)
Social Studies: We are beginning our unit on the Underground Railroad and the Civil War. If you have a special interest in either of these subjects (magnets or Civil War) and would like to share with us, I would love you to come and spend some time with us.
Math: Fractions
End of second term ends January 13. All work must be turned in then.
Thank you for your help with the writing. We do a lot of writing in class, but I believe that the fine tuning of writing composition must be taught one-on-one. I know it's another thing for you to do, but I believe your help will provide the boost that your child needs to succeed in this.
Thanks again for your support!
--Jeanne Payne