Only 15 days left of school this year, and so many activities coming up!
We sent home a calendar of events for May (along with a permission slip), but I'll post them here, along with my own class activities.
*Note that there are a few changes from the newsletter.
Tuesday 6 --Math End of Level Test
Wed. 7 --CMS Open House, 6-8 PM. You can pick up schedule, find out child's teacher.
Thursday 8--Math End of Level Test
Friday 9 --"Move it!" Day. The PTA has extended the deadline until Friday morning, in hopes that more students will participate. A pledge of $25 or more gets a T-shirt, and any pledge at all is a ticket to participate in a class activity.
--ALL Book reports are due for the Reading Revolution!
--Math Review packets are due. Many students are already done and have turned these
in, but this later date allows students to go back and correct errors.
Monday 12--Field Trip to Zion ($3.00 for the IMax Theater movie, Treasure of the Gods)
Please return the paper sent home regarding lunches for all upcoming events.
Tuesday 13--Tour of CMS. (Bus there, walk back).
Wed. 14 --Reading Revolution Awards will be presented (certificates/medals)
Thursday 15-Battle of the Books (5th Grades)
--Judicial Reading Reward (ice cream sundaes!)
Friday 16 --Congressional Reading Reward (movie & popcorn)
--Battle of the Books (winners compete against Enoch Elem)
Monday 19--Presidential Reading Reward (breakfast in the park)
Tuesday 20--Great American Heroes Program (our 5th grade program)
(K-2 at 10:00 AM, 3-5 at 2:00 PM. You can take your child home afterward.)
--Patriot Awards presented (for Mrs. Payne's and Mrs. Garrett's classes)
Wed. 21 --Tent Day (Worker's Holiday)
Thursday 22-Track and Field Day for 4th and 5th graders at CHS. We need more volunteers.
Friday 23 --Last Day of School. Our class will serenade the school with our harmonicas. Dismissed at 2:30.
My students have begun creating a state report. This will be an art/research/writing project. This will be done in class, but students can work on them at home, if they want. Since the computers are in high demand right now, it is hard to find a time to schedule them, so students may need to finish the typing portion of this report at home. They will present their reports throughout the week of the 12th-16th.
Several of you have asked about math during the summer. There are pages in our small math book that students can take home and complete. These will help them get ready for 6th grade. In addition, the IXL practice tests can be taken, as well. However, students would have to take them as a guest and are limited to 20 questions a day. (
Parents, I have thoroughly enjoyed teaching your children! I have loved watching their personalities emerge, and getting to know them on a more personal level. I have grown to love them, and I feel a strong desire for them to succeed in middle school and beyond.
I will always be watching and keeping track of their activities through the years, and I will be cheering them on. I will always remember these students. Thanks for sharing them with me!
Sincerely, Jeanne Payne