Wednesday, October 22, 2014

October 22, 2014

Coming Up...

I am requiring that each student enter a writing piece in the Reflections Contest.   Each student should have taken home the writing that was completed in class.  That writing needs to be attached to the PTA form (signed by you and filled out by the student) and returned to me by Tuesday, October 28.
If students have a piece of writing they would rather enter, they can enter that instead.  

The form can be printed from the PTA website: 
Or, you can have your child get a form from me.

Our spelling words are words that are derived from Greek/Latin Roots.  There are ten words in the list, but I allow students who want an extra challenge to add more words to their list.  

Lists for the next few weeks:

October 23-31:
   *Roots:  (tri- three; quad- four;  quint- five; pent- five)  
trident   trilogy   pentagon   tricycle   triad   triangle   quadrant   quartet   quintet   triathlon

November 3-7:
   *Roots:  (dec/deca-ten;  deci-one tenth;  cent- hundred/hundredth)
decapod   decimal   decade   centipede   century   centimeter   percent   cent   centennial   decibel

November 10-14:
   *Roots:  (ped- foot/feet;  pod- foot/feet;  manu- hand)
centipede   manual   pedal   podium   manager   pedestrian   tripod   mandate   peddle   pedometer

Reading Challenge:
      I have attached a letter that will be coming home tomorrow.  I would like you to discuss this with your child and come up with a challenging goal.  I have had conversations with  teachers who expect their students to read forty books during the school year, and they have found that their students rise to the challenge, and most of them achieve this goal.  A few do not, but even those who do not reach the 40 mark, have been able to read at least 20 books.   The benefits for their students have been huge.  I believe that every student can read at least 20.  Please read the letter, sign, and return it.  

Literature Circles:
     I am beginning literature circles, and would love a few more parents to run a reading group.  If this interests you, please contact me.  These will be on "A" days at 10:00 -10:45.  Our first session will be these dates:
Monday, October 27th;  Friday, October 31st;  Tuesday, November 4th;  Thursday, November 6th;
Monday, November 10th;  Friday, November 14th; Tuesday, November 18th; Thursday, November 20th.  

   We are taking the Landforms Test on Friday (24th), then beginning our unit on Electricity.  If you have extra D batteries you'd like to contribute, we could use more.

Social Studies:
    I'm planning on giving the Revolutionary War Test on Monday, (27th).

   Thanks for your support.  Please contact me with your concerns, input or questions.

                        --Sincerely, Jeanne Payne

Reading Challenge Letter (this will be going home with your students)

Dear awesome readers,

I am giving you a challenge.   I just finished reading an inspiring book about reading, and how very important reading is in helping you succeed in school and for the rest of your life.  Did you know that reading A LOT helps you get better at spelling?    And that reading A LOT increases your vocabulary?   Reading A LOT also helps you become a better writer.
And the better you can read, the better you will understand math, science, social studies, and pretty much every other subject!    Pretty amazing that one skill can make such a huge difference.   Truthfully, I already knew all this, and I believe that you can do more than you are doing!    
So, my challenge to you is:  DOUBLE YOUR READING,  DOUBLE YOUR GOAL.
If your goal is to read eight books and earn the Judicial Award, I want you to double that and go for sixteen books!   If your goal is the Congressional Award, push yourself and try for twenty-four.  Freedom Award?  Go for forty!   That sounds like a lot, but I know you can do it.  
Here’s the trade-off:  Double your reading goal, and you won’t have to fill out any more Home Reading Planners or fill out any more Book Reports.  Deal?   I still expect you to read thirty minutes each night at home, but you won’t need to fill out the planner.  You will also read more in class.  I will know that you are reading because we will meet together often and talk about your book.   I will expect you to write me a letter once a week about your book.  You will do this in your Reading Response Journal, and I will show you how.
Please have a parent read and sign this, so that I know s/he is aware of my challenge to you.  
Sincerely, Mrs. Payne

Monday, October 13, 2014

5th Grade Newsletter
Monday, October 13, 2014
Here is our first paperless newsletter.  Please go to PowerSchool and check your child’s grades.  We have sent a bright yellow half sheet of paper with all missing assignments listed on it(if your child has anything missing).  We have also sent a quarter sheet with category totals.   ALL missing work is due tomorrow, Tues., Oct. 14 in order to earn our Worker’s Holiday, which will be on this Wed. morning.  We will play bingo, play a trivia game, and have a checker’s tournament for a half an hour each.  Your child will also need to bring his/her volcano on Wed. as well to earn the activity. Students not earning the activity will work in another room to work on missing assignments.
You are all invited to come have a blast with us, as we explode our volcanoes.  This will be on Wed., Oct. 15 at 12:30  on the south playground. Please DO NOT park in the bus loading zone.
Our Fall Break is a full week this year, from Thurs., Oct. 16-Wed., Oct. 22.  Students return to school on Thurs., Oct. 23.
Reflections entries are due on Oct. 29.  Students are working on a writing piece at school that will be sent home for you to go over with you child. Your child can make corrections at school after you go over it with him/her.  They are also working on a possible photography piece in art class with Mrs. Davis. You will need to sign the entry forms for you child in order for him/her to submit entries. You make pick up rules and entry forms in the office for any other categories that your child wants to enter.
The fifth grade Maturation Programs will be on Fri., Nov. 7 in the gym.  The boys are at 1:00 and girls are at 2:00.  We hope that a parent will be able to attend with each child, however a child may attend without a parent.  We DO need a permission slip returned in order for you child to attend.
Thank you for your attendance at parent conferences. We appreciate the support that you give to us and your children.  Please feel welcome to email, call, or come in anytime with your concerns.  The next newsletter will be posted on Wed., Nov, 5
Thank you,
Mrs. Williams, Mrs. Little, & Mrs. Payne

*****Please sign the bright red verification slip that your child brought home and return it to school.*****

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

October 2014

Here's what's happening this month:

   13th--look online at your child's progress report, using the password I gave  you at SEP Conferences.  This will be the last one for this first term, and it will be paperless.  Your child can let me know if you will need a hard copy sent home.  If your child has an 80% or higher, and if all assignments are turned in, s/he will be able to attend Worker's Holiday on October 15.

   10th--Book Orders are due, if you would like to turn in an order.
   13th--Book Projects are due.  This date is different.  I changed it because I will be gone
on Friday.  Please ask your child if s/he needs assistance with this.  The guidelines are on a purple sheet of paper, given to them a couple of weeks ago.
   14th--All work is due for this term, including the second book report.
   15th--Worker's Holiday (morning)
   15th--Volcano Day (12:25-1:30).  I hope you read the letter I gave you at SEPs.  Remember, you
             are invited to come and watch the explosions.
   15th--End of first term
   29th--Reflections Contest entries are due.  You can find the entry forms and rules at this site:
The categories are:  3D Art, Dance/Choreography, Literature, Visual Arts, Film Production,
Photography, Music Composition

November 7th--Maturation program  (boys @ 1:00 PM, and girls @ 2:00 PM).  You may take your child home with you afterward.

I will begin Literature Groups on A Days, after Fall Recess.  They will be on A Days, because I have two CHS students who can each help run a group.  I would love to have some of you parents help with this.  Please let me know.  The times will be 10:15-10:45.  Let me know if you are interested, and I'll contact you with the days.  

Patriot Award:  Students are working on a patriotic packet, memorizing important facts, speeches, songs, etc., about the United States of America.  If they can pass off all the requirements in this packet, they will earn a patriotic award at the end of May.  Some of them are off and running with this challenging endeavor.  Ask them about this.

We are coming close to the end of our Revolutionary War Unit, and will begin learning about the Constitution and our nation's government, after the Fall Recess.  This is such a valuable unit!  I wish every American could review this information.  Remember to ask your child what s/he learns each day.

I loved meeting with you at SEPs!  It's always fun for me to see where my students come from.  They are great kids, and you are doing a good job teaching and training them.  Please continue to help with math, and encouraging the daily reading.

And, as always, you are welcome to email me your concerns, or drop in our classroom.

Thank you!
Jeanne Payne