Wednesday, December 16, 2015

December 16, 2015

                                            FIFTH GRADE NEWSLETTER

Dear Parents,

       Here's what's coming up for the rest of the month of December:
On Friday (18th) we'll have a Christmas party in the afternoon. We'll play some group games, make music with the bells, and share some treats while we watch The Christmas Carol. If you would like to send treats (enough for 31), you are welcome to do so.  If you do want to send food items, remember, they need to be store bought. 
      Our students presented their book projects in class today. They did excellent jobs, all of them. A few still need to present tomorrow. Our next book project will be in February and will be a Battle Book.  A few students have read only two or three books this school year. Others have read ten or more! Students should be reading 30 minutes every night. Please encourage your child to make this a habit.
      I sent home students' progress report totals today. If your child is missing any work, please help them catch up before the break. I will keep them in for afternoon recess tomorrow and Friday to help make this happen. I really want every student to qualify for our next Worker's Holiday.
      I also need students to practice their typing skills. They can type a page out of a book or type a letter to grandma, but they should be typing between 15-20 words per minute by now.
      FYI: SEPs will be the first week of February. This is sooner than it ever has been, so put that on your calendars. 
     Our LOST and FOUND pile of coats, jackets, gloves, etc. is becoming a mountain. If you are missing any of these items, please come and look through the pile. It will all be donated to Deseret Industries during the Christmas break.
        I really appreciate the great support I receive from all of  you!  I feel very blessed to be teaching students who are kind, respectful, and are conscientious workers. You are great parents.
     Have a Merry Christmas filled with wonderful memories!
                                                           Mrs. Jeanne Payne  

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

NOVEMBER 18, 2015

      Can you believe it is already mid-term?  Before you know it, the school year will be half over.
      We hope that you will make sure to look at your child’s progress report on line to see what he/she might have missing.  If your child does have any missing assignments, please make sure that he/she gets their assignment(s) into their teacher by Monday morning at the latest.  They will need to have all of their work turned in, with an 80% or better in order to qualify for Worker’s Holiday.  Worker’s Holiday will be on Tuesday morning.  We will be having a Read-A-Thon, so students that qualify, will need to bring some fun books to read.  Students will also be able to wear their PJ’s to school that day and they can bring in their own snacks to snack on while they are reading.
     Remember that Thanksgiving break starts on Wednesday November 25 through the 29th.  Students are to be back in school on Monday, November 30th.
     With the weather turning so cold, please remind your child to wear their coats, gloves and hats, if necessary.  Sometimes they are still required to go outside for different breaks and when they are not dressed appropriately, it can be really cold for them.
      Be looking for our next Newsletter to come out on December 16th.

      We appreciate all that you do to help out with the success of your child.  Always feel free to come and visit with us if you have questions, or if you just want to see what is going on in our classrooms.  We love parental help and support any way we can get it.
Sincerely, Mrs. Little, Mrs. Payne, Mrs. Williams

Note from Mrs. Payne:
    We regret that we have to say goodbye to Mrs. Kyndall, who has been our student teacher for the past 6 weeks. She will make a great teacher wherever her future takes her.  We will miss her!
     BOOK ORDERS are due tomorrow (Wednesday 18th), if you are interested in buying books for your child.
      Have a wonderful Thanksgiving Break!
                                                                     --Mrs. Payne

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

November 4, 2015

Here’s the Latest in 5th Grade
November 4, 2015

November 7 (Saturday) -Hope of America program, Cedar City’s birthday
If you signed up your child to perform in this event, you need to
take him/her to Cedar High School at 4:45 PM so they can practice all
together. Students should wear a red, white , or blue shirt. The
                     performance begins at 6:00 PM in the CHS auditorium.
This should be an inspiring production.  We hope you can attend.
November 18 (Wednesday)-Book Orders are due. If you want to give these books for Christmas gifts, let me know and I can save them for you to pick up.
November 25-27 (W-F)- Thanksgiving Holiday

Science:  Our volcano explosions were exciting to watch.  Thanks for helping your child with this assignment.  We have officially ended our Earth Science unit, and are learning about chemical and physical changes.  This is a popular unit of explorations and explosions, as we play with chemicals and other substances.

Social Studies:  We are coming to a close in our American Revolution Unit, and will be learning about our US Government and Constitution. We will celebrate winning the Revolutionary War by watching the video, Johnny Tremain, and eating cornbread.  

SAGE Formative Testing: We just finished taking the Reading and Writing tests. These tests will tell us what our students still need to learn this year, and will guide our instruction in the coming months. My students had to take the writing test twice!  They took the wrong test (not their fault), so they took it again in the afternoon. Mrs. Marriott (the administrator) felt especially bad, but my students were very forgiving. They are great kids!

Language Arts: No spelling lists for the few weeks. We have begun a Poetry Unit, and we’re learning some high school content, and learning to write poetry. Fun unit!
Reading: Students should be reading at least 30 minutes every day at home. Thanks for monitoring this. They should be writing about their books in their Reading Response Journals.  The journals are due every Wednesday morning.

We have begun a new quarter, so all students should be on top of all their assignments. If they have fallen behind already, please help them catch up. Thanks for supporting me and encouraging your children. They are great kids! (Did I say that already?)  I will be posting my next newsletter update on November 18.
                       Sincerely,  Mrs. Payne

Friday, October 16, 2015

October 16, 2015

5th Grade Newsletter
Friday, October 16, 2015
Remember that we do not have school next Mon., Tues., and Wed. for our Fall Break. We return to school on Thurs., Oct. 22.
Picture retakes will be on Fri., Oct. 23.  Reflections entries are due on Oct. 23.  You can get rules and entry forms @ The entry must include the “artist’s statement”.
Please go to PowerSchool and check your child’s grades.  We have sent a bright yellow half sheet of paper with all missing assignments listed on it(if your child has anything missing).  We have also sent a quarter sheet with category totals.   ALL missing work is due Friday., Oct. 23 in order to earn our Worker’s Holiday, which will be on Monday, Oct. 26 in the afternoon. (Mrs. Williams and Mrs. Little’s classes must have their second book report, which is due on Oct. 22, in to earn Worker’s Holiday.)  We will play bingo, play a trivia game, and have a checkers tournament for a half an hour each.  Students not earning the activity will work in another room to work on missing assignments.
The fifth grade Maturation Programs will be on Fri., Oct. 30 @ 2:00.  The boys are in the gym and the girls are in the library.  We hope that a parent will be able to attend with each child, however a child may attend without a parent.  We DO need a permission slip returned in order for your child to attend. You may take child home after the program, if you would like.
You are all invited to come have a blast with us, as we explode our volcanoes.  This will be on Tues., Nov. 3 at 2:30  on the south playground. Please DO NOT park in the bus loading zone. The volcano letter was sent home with your child last week and your child should be building his/her volcano at home. Volcanoes must be taken home or thrown away after the activity.
Iron County School District has decided that we are not participating in the Hope of America program at the Centrum, however Mayor Wilson has invited 5th grade students to sing at a celebration for Cedar City’s birthday at CHS on Sat., Nov. 7 @ 6:00 p.m. The students are practicing the four songs that will be sung with our music teachers, and they can also practice with the cd’s that were went home with them.  We will not need a permission slip, just feel free to attend and have your child participate. We have also sent home a flyer about a writing/art contest in conjunction with this birthday celebration.  Entries are due at the front office by Nov. 2.
Please feel welcome to email, call, or come in anytime with your concerns.  The next newsletter will be posted on Wed., Nov. 4
Thank you,
Mrs. Williams, Mrs. Little, & Mrs. Payne
*****Please sign the bright red verification slip that your child brought home and return it to school.*****

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

October 7, 2015

I want to welcome Kyndall Nakken to our classroom.  She is a student teacher and will be with us for the next five weeks.  She comes from Arizona (Phoenix area), and is married with two cute young children.  Already, I can see that she will be a valuable asset in our classroom.  WELCOME!
I really enjoyed meeting with you all at SEP conferences.  I am always reminded at those times how much you love your children and want them to be safe and happy.
They are lucky young people to have the privilege of growing up in your homes.
Remember, you can find math assignments on the GOMATH site listed below, and you watch the ON THE SPOT videos (below) and learn how to do the math at home.  If students forget their math or are absent, they can find their assignment online.
The following letter has important info concerning the 5th grades as a whole. Please read and sign the slip that was sent home today.  
Thanks, Mrs. Payne

OCTOBER 7, 2015

    First quarter is dwindling fast.  We have two weeks left in this first quarter.  With this quarter quickly coming to a close, we ask that you view your child’s grades online, as well as his/her missing assignments.  If your child has assignments missing, please have them get their work into their teacher as soon as they can, so they can better their overall percent for first quarter, and also qualify themselves for Worker’s Holiday.
   The end of first quarter is on Friday, October 16th.  Students will receive their final printout on October 16th, but will have until Friday, October 23rd to get all of their missing work into their teacher. We want to remind you, that the 16th is on a Friday and students will be out for the Harvest Holiday Monday, October 19th through Wednesday, October 21st.   Worker’s Holiday will be on Monday, October 26th, from 2:00-3:15 PM. We will send more information about the Worker’s Holiday activity in the October 16th newsletter.
    We want to remind parents that picture retakes will be on Friday, October 23rd.  Be sure to mark your calendar if your child needs his/her picture retaken.
    Don’t forget about the Maturation Program!  This will be on Friday, October 30th, at 2:00 PM.  The boys will have their meeting in the gym and the girls will have their meeting in the library.  Students may go home with their parents after the program.
    Our Volcano Day is also coming up soon.  Please read the letter that will be coming home with your child today on how you can help them in making their volcano.  We will be setting off our volcanoes on November 3rd from 2:30 to 3:30, and hope that you will be able to come and join us; it will be a real BLAST!  In order to not get in the way of the buses that day, please park to the south side of the school on 500 south.
    We have really enjoyed your children so far this year, and really look forward to the rest of the year with them.  Thanks for all of the help and support you give us, we appreciate it.                             

                                                                    Mrs. Little, Mrs. Payne and Mrs. Williams

**The next update will be posted on Friday, October 16.

Helpful Website for GOMATH help
Log in with your child’s student number (students should know this number)
:e.g.  60123456
Password: gomath (no caps, no spaces)

Go Math-On The Spot Videos
GoMath videos for the State of California—pretty closely tied to our math program.

Choose: grade 5

Watch: Video correlated to desired lesson. (There is one example for each lesson.)

The following are also helpful math sites:  
Videos that explain all elementary math procedures.
Search: learnzillion
Click on: Learnzillion
In upper right corner click on: “Teacher Login”
Password: ironmath
Click on: Common Core Navigator
Click on: Grade band of interest.
Click on: Gray-folder icon of lesson you choose.
Choose: Video from menu.
Teaches and practices everything from adding 2 plus 2 to Differential Calculus.  Also has practice exercises where your child can earn points for fun.  
Videos with clear, simple, entertaining (sort of…) explanations of math procedures.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

September 23, 2015

5th Grade Newsletter
September 23, 2015
Coming up:
September 23- Progress Reports (Please look on your PowerSchool account).
24-All missing work must be turned in.
25-Worker’s Holiday (kickball tournament)
25-Fall Pictures
28,29,30-SEP Conferences
October 1,2-SEP Conferences
23-Reflections Contest
  23-Fifth Grade Hope of America Program

        Our field trip to Cedar Mountain went well, and we appreciate your help making sure your children were well prepared.  We hope it was a positive experience for all of them.
This Friday we will hold our first Worker’s Holiday. We realize that this is also picture day and students may want to bring a change of clothes for the afternoon. We  will be having a kickball tournament.  Remember, this is for students who have ALL assignments turned in, and who have an 80% or higher. All others will stay in the classroom and get caught up.  Today your child is bringing home a category total report, along with a Missing Assignment sheet (if s/he is missing any work).  All missing assignments must be turned in by tomorrow, Thursday, 24th.    
We are looking forward to visiting with you and your child during the week of September 28-October 2.  If you have not confirmed a meeting time, please do so as soon as possible.  Please bring your child with you to the conference so that we can discuss his/her progress and goals.  
Reflections Contest theme is Let Your Imagination Fly.  All entries are due October 23.  You may pick up rules and entry forms in the art classroom and  We hope that you will encourage your child to enter.  
Our class has the privilege of performing with 800 other fifth graders from our area in the Hope of America patriotic program.  This performance will be held in the SUU Centrum on October 23.  Students will learn the songs here at school, but they were each given a CD so that they could practice them at home.  This should be an exciting event.
We enjoy getting to know your children, and helping them grow academically and socially.  Fifth grade is definitely the best grade to teach!   
Mrs. Payne, Mrs. Little, Mrs. Williams

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

September 9, 2015

                            Here's what's happening...

Progress Reports and Newsletters:    
           Your child should have handed you a progress report today.  This report will show all recorded assignments up to this date.  If your child is missing any assignments, you will see a "Missing Assignment" sheet attached.  All missing work must be turned in right away.  
       We are trying to use less paper, so this turquoise colored newsletter will be the last one we will send home for you to read. You can find all newsletters on this blog.  When you receive them, please let me know, so that I know you are up to date on what's going on in our classroom.  
       Also, in the future, we would like you to check your child's progress by going to PowerSchool.  If you don't have your PowerSchool login information, you will need to get that from Mrs. Griffith in the front office.  If you have a problem checking your child's progress report online, please let me know and I can make a hard copy for you. 

Electronic Forms: 
       If you have not yet signed the electronic forms for Safe Schools, Acceptable Use Policy, and the Media Release, please do that asap. I have been waiting until all parents have signed the AUP so that I can begin an Internet project with your students. 

       Do you know how your child is doing?  If your child's goal is to earn one of the higher awards (Presidential or Freedom), s/he should have read two or three books by now.  This week, the Response Journals are due tomorrow (Thursday) instead of Wednesday. 
       Our first book project is due on Wednesday, September 23.  I will send home a list of options your child may choose from to present his/her book to the class.  The book project needs to be about a BIOGRAPHY book. 

Cedar Mountain Field Trip, Monday, September 21: 
       We will be stopping at an extinct volcano, exploring Mammoth Caves, and hiking the Alpine Loop Trail at Cedar Breaks.  This field trip is in conjunction with our science unit on Earth Science.  
       Your child will need to bring a flashlight, long pants, sturdy shoes, a jacket, and water.  We will leave at 9:00 AM and return at 3:20 PM.  We will need parents to chaperone, so if you'd like to accompany us, let me know.

PTA Bash 'n Splash and other info:  
       Aquatic Center on Saturday, September 12 6:00-8:00 PM.  Swimming is free, but you may purchase tickets for the other activities.  Tickets will be sold in advance after school on Thursday and before school on Friday.  
       School shirt orders need to be in by September 14.  
       You can still sign up for PTA alerts by text or email.  
       Please link your Smith's shopping reward's card to South Elementary.  This is a good fundraiser for our school.  
       School Pictures will be on Friday, September 25.   

Parent Conferences (SEPs) will be the week of September 28-October 2. Please let me know right away if a certain day not good for you (or if one is best for you), or if you would like to meet me in the morning before school (7:45, 8:00, or 8:15).  

       As I get to know your students, I am impressed with you as parents and how you have taught them at home.  They are great kids with high standards.  Thank you for sharing them with me this year!
                                                -Jeanne Payne

P.S. Please sign the bottom section of the turquoise colored newsletter your child brought home today.  Send it back by Friday.