5th Grade Newsletter
Friday, October 16, 2015
Remember that we do not have school next Mon., Tues., and Wed. for our Fall Break. We return to school on Thurs., Oct. 22.
Picture retakes will be on Fri., Oct. 23. Reflections entries are due on Oct. 23. You can get rules and entry forms @ utahpta.org. The entry must include the “artist’s statement”.
Please go to PowerSchool and check your child’s grades. We have sent a bright yellow half sheet of paper with all missing assignments listed on it(if your child has anything missing). We have also sent a quarter sheet with category totals. ALL missing work is due Friday., Oct. 23 in order to earn our Worker’s Holiday, which will be on Monday, Oct. 26 in the afternoon. (Mrs. Williams and Mrs. Little’s classes must have their second book report, which is due on Oct. 22, in to earn Worker’s Holiday.) We will play bingo, play a trivia game, and have a checkers tournament for a half an hour each. Students not earning the activity will work in another room to work on missing assignments.
The fifth grade Maturation Programs will be on Fri., Oct. 30 @ 2:00. The boys are in the gym and the girls are in the library. We hope that a parent will be able to attend with each child, however a child may attend without a parent. We DO need a permission slip returned in order for your child to attend. You may take child home after the program, if you would like.
You are all invited to come have a blast with us, as we explode our volcanoes. This will be on Tues., Nov. 3 at 2:30 on the south playground. Please DO NOT park in the bus loading zone. The volcano letter was sent home with your child last week and your child should be building his/her volcano at home. Volcanoes must be taken home or thrown away after the activity.
Iron County School District has decided that we are not participating in the Hope of America program at the Centrum, however Mayor Wilson has invited 5th grade students to sing at a celebration for Cedar City’s birthday at CHS on Sat., Nov. 7 @ 6:00 p.m. The students are practicing the four songs that will be sung with our music teachers, and they can also practice with the cd’s that were went home with them. We will not need a permission slip, just feel free to attend and have your child participate. We have also sent home a flyer about a writing/art contest in conjunction with this birthday celebration. Entries are due at the front office by Nov. 2.
Please feel welcome to email, call, or come in anytime with your concerns. The next newsletter will be posted on Wed., Nov. 4
Thank you,
Mrs. Williams, Mrs. Little, & Mrs. Payne
*****Please sign the bright red verification slip that your child brought home and return it to school.*****