Wednesday, September 27, 2017

5th Grade Newsletter
September 27, 2017

October 2-6 SEP Week (out at 2:30 each day)
       October 11 next printout/newslette
October 13 End of 1st Term
October 17 Volcano Explosion Day
October 23 FALL BREAK (no school)
November 3 Reflections Entries Due

READING:  We hope you are still encouraging your child to read every day at home.  We’ve had questions about how many pages constitutes a book for our Reading Revolution, so this is the breakdown:  120-299 pages=one book; 300 pages=two books; 500 pages=three books; 700 pages=four books.  These are general breakdowns, so talk to us if you have questions. We’re happy to make adjustments when needed.  Informational books can be shorter (usually harder reading, smaller words).
SEP’s:  We still need to hear back from some of you regarding our meeting time. Please look at the form we sent home and return it as soon as possible (maybe it’s still in a backpack :). Let us know if we need to adjust the time.  

VOLCANO EXPLOSION DAY:  This activity will end our Volcano Unit with a blast. A letter of explanation will be given out at parent conferences..  Please read and discuss it with your child.  

REFLECTION CONTEST:  The theme is “Within Reach”, and the deadline is
November 3.  We encourage all students to enter.  You can contact this email with questions (, and you can pick up an info/rules sheet in the office.

If possible, can you send in earbuds or headphones for your child.  We have new chromebooks, but not headphones (yet). It would be good to label a baggie with your student’s name to put them in, and then just keep them in their desks.  Please don’t feel like you need to go and buy new ones, but if you have some that you can send to school, that would be great.
We had a great time on our field trip yesterday.  All went well, and your children were well-behaved.  We look forward to seeing you and your child at SEP Conferences next week.  
Thanks for your continual support in your child’s education!  

--Mrs. Payne, Mrs. Little, Mrs. Williams

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

September 13, 2017


    We hope that your children are feeling more and more comfortable getting to know their daily schedule and knowing what is expected of them in 5th grade.  We are seeing more follow through with reading journals and math homework as we dive deeper into this first quarter, so thank you for your help at home.  If you haven’t signed the electronic forms for the Safe Schools Policy and Computer Use, please do that as soon as you can.  Students will be given credit for your signature on both of those items.
    If you are struggling at all with power school, please get hold of Mrs. Griffiths in the front office.  It is very important that you are able to view your child’s grades weekly, if not daily.  If you don’t have computer access at home, please let your child’s teacher know, so she can print a copy of your child’s grades and newsletter for you, every other week.
    Orchestra students will need to start bringing their instruments on Tuesdays and Thursdays.  If you have a child in orchestra, please make sure they have their name on their case and that they talk with their regular classroom teacher on where they can keep their instruments, when they are at school.
    School pictures will be tomorrow, September 14th, so please remember to send your packet and money in with your child, if you plan on purchasing any pictures.  Students will be required to have their picture taken, whether you are purchasing them or not (for the yearbook).
    We will be having our first Worker’s Holiday on Monday, September 18th.  Students will need to have all of their assignments turned into their teacher, with an 80% or better, in order to qualify for this activity.  All work will be due on Friday, September 15th.  We will have a kickball tournament on Monday afternoon, for this activity.    An SEP schedule will be sent home with your child on Monday, September 18th, as well.  Please let your child’s teacher know if you can make the time she has scheduled for you by marking, “yes, I can make this time”.  If you can’t make the scheduled time, please fill your name in a blank spot that is available that you can meet.  SEP’s will be the week of October 2nd through the 6th.  School will end at 2:30 every day this week, even on Wednesday.
    Our field trip to Mammoth Cave is coming up, on Tuesday, September 26th.  We do have plenty of parents to help us with this, so if you wanted to chaperone, but have not spoken to us, we will have to ask you to help with the next field trip (sorry!).  We do appreciate your help.  Students will need to make sure they are prepared for hiking and exploring a cave.  Make sure that your child wears good shoes, long pants, and an extra sweat shirt or jacket.  Students will also need to bring with them a flashlight or head lamp, and a few water bottles.  The students will be doing a lot of hiking, so they will need to stay hydrated.
    Our next newsletter will be posted on Wednesday, September 27th.  
    Thank you so much for your help and support at home, it is very helpful to us.

                                                                          Mrs. Little, Mrs. Payne and Mrs. Williams

Please sign, and send with your child, the verification form stating that you have read this blog.