5th Grade Newsletter
January 30, 2019
Events Coming Up:
SEP Conferences are coming up next week. We’re looking
forward to discussing your child’s progress during February 4-8.
School will be dismissed at 2:30 every day, including Wednesday.
It is important for your child to attend the conference with you.
Your child will be registering for Middle School at the conference.
The only decision they need to make is if they will be in band,
orchestra, or art. Booklets will be sent home this week explaining
band and orchestra and describing the instrument choices.
If your child chooses band or orchestra s/he will need to already
know which instrument they will be playing, so please discuss
that before your scheduled conference.
Worker’s Holiday will be next Monday afternoon, February 4
for all students who have all missing work turned in by this
Friday, February 1. They must also have an 80% overall
score and good citizenship. Students will have a game day.
They should bring games to play with others (Monopoly, Clue,
chess, Apples to Apples, etc.) There is no wi-fi available for students.
KITE FLIGHT READING calendars(on pink paper) have been
sent home, and the same nightly reading that your children already
complete needs to be written on this calendar for the next 3 months.
When students turn the calendar in at the Kite Flight event at Cedar
Middle School soccer field on Saturday, April 27 they will receive a
kite or a book. The Lion’s Club then donates money to each school t
hat participates. The schools with the most calendars turned in gets
the most money. Please help with the very easy way for the PTA
to earn money, by filling in and turning in this calendar.
DARE Graduation is tomorrow, Thursday, January 31 at 2:30.
Parents are invited to attend.
Our school Spelling Bee will be held February 19 (class tests will
be given tomorrow, January 31) and two students from each class
will be selected). Winners on the school level will compete in the Region.
Our school Talent Show will be held March 8. If your child is interested,
s/he can start preparing for that.
One student from each 5th grade class will be selected to compete at
SUU in a Chemistry Competition. A test was administered to 5th
grade students , and a South Elementary team will be formed. This
team of students will compete at SUU Thursday, March 14. We are
always thrilled to participate in STEM activities.
No School on Monday, February 18, which is President’s Day.
Your child can get free math tutoring at North Elementary (MTTh at 3:30-5:30,
and W at 1:30-3:30).
The next up-date and grades will be sent on Wed., Feb. 20. We will be
having our end of 3rd quarter Worker’s Holiday at the Aquatic Center
on March 7. Please help your child stay caught up, so that all students
will be able to attend. It will be a cost of $1.00 for each student (no passes are allowed)
and we will be needing some parents who would be willing to supervise in the water
from 1:00-2:30.
As always, we appreciate your continued support in our efforts to help your child
succeed in school. We value your insights and concerns as we work together in
this important effort.
Mrs. Williams, Mrs. Little, Mrs. Payne, & Mr. Sahagan
succeed in school. We value your insights and concerns as we work together in
this important effort.
Mrs. Williams, Mrs. Little, Mrs. Payne, & Mr. Sahagan