Monday, March 4, 2019

  March 4, 2017
6- ALL missing work due to earn Worker’s Holiday
7- Worker’s Holiday-swimming at the Aquatic Center
($1 per student)
8- South Elementary Talent Show
8- End of 3rd Term
11-12- No school (Teacher work days)
14- Chemistry Challenge at SUU
15- Spring Pictures
18- Newsies musical/play at Randall Jones Theater
($1 per student) (We’ll walk there and back)
2- Science Expo   

Worker’s Holiday will be held at the Aquatic
Center this Thursday,  March 7.   All assignments
must be turned in by Wednesday morning, March 6.  
We will ride buses to and from, and will swim from
1-2:30 PM. If any parents would like to help, we could
use four chaperones who are willing to get in the water
with the students.  Please let us know.
Also, we need you to sign the slip giving your child
permission to attend the Worker’s Holiday (providing s/he
has all assignments turned in and has an 80% or above)
and return it by Wed, March 6.  We are asking for a $1.00
donation each to cover the cost of renting the pool. Thanks!

American Heros were selected last Friday. Students were
given a report form to fill out. The reports are due this Friday,
March 8.  We are using that information to write the script for
our 5th grade program held in May, so it is critical to have the
report turned in on time. The music teachers are helping teach
the songs for that program, and the art teacher will be teaching
our students to sketch a portrait of their hero.  It will be an
impressive production.

Science Expo forms included with your information today
are due by Fri. March 15.  Knowing your child’s plans helps us
prepare our classroom for this big event, and it helps your child
prepare ahead ;)  We are eager to see the experiments, inventions,
and research projects our students will be sharing.  Don’t waste
time getting started because most projects take a bit of time to do
well.  Students will be given information in their science classes on
how to set up displays and/or share what they have learned.  
The Science Expo itself will be held on Tuesday, April 2  
in each 5th grade classroom. Students will be giving a 3-5 minute presentation during the morning in their own classrooms.   Families are
invited to come between 2:45-3:30. Please don’t take  your child
home before 3:30.  Let us know if you have questions.

We are excited to attend the student performance of Newsies
on Monday, March 18.  The cost for this performance is $1.00.
We will be walking to and from the Randall Jones Theater for this
10 AM performance. All students will attend this.

No school next Monday and Tuesday. This is a Teacher
Development day.   Enjoy your family this long weekend and we
will see your child on Wednesday, March 13th.   Please don’t
hesitate to email us with your questions.
 Mrs.Williams, Mrs. Payne, Mrs. Little, & Mr. Sahagun

  • The first printout for 4th term will be sent on Wed., March 27.

P.S.  Our school web page has just been updated. We are sending a hard copy of our newsletter this time, just in case anyone has trouble logging in.  However, our blogs should be attached to the web page now.