Thursday, August 16, 2012

Welcome Back, Students of 2012

The first day of school is over, and I hope my new students had a happy day like I did.
We played games getting to know each other, and spent time learning about fifth grade.  My favorite part of these days is getting to know your delightful children.  I love to just walk around the playground and chat with them.  The first two days are always a bit exhausting, so we did a few fun science activities to help everyone relax.

Parents, if you didn't sign the papers in the red folder (from Back to School Night), please do that as soon as you can.  The papers I need are: photo permission, lunch worker permission, safe schools policy, acceptable use computer policy, and any PTA papers you are interested in.  I also need the Parent Questionnaire, and the Interest Inventory, if you didn't send those back yet.    I appreciate the time you take to read, fill out, sign, and return all those papers.  Thank you!

If you are interested in volunteering for math or spelling, please let me know.  I will need a
math helper every day from 10:30-11:00.  Just let me know which day(s) you can come, and I will talk to you about it.  Also, I could use two or three helpers for spelling groups, Mondays 11:15-11:45. 
You can send word back with your child if that is easier, or you can email me:  

Thank you for attending Back to School Night.  I didn't get to meet all of you, but I really wanted to.
If you have any concerns about your child that was not expressed, or if you can think of a way I can help your child, please contact me.   I can tell that this group is an exceptional one in regards to respect, kindness, and hard work.   I love them already.

Happy birthday this month to Sophie and Ender!

This will be a great year!
Mrs. Jeanne Payne

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