Wednesday, February 4, 2015

February 4, 2015 Newsletter

Hello, parents and students,

I'm always amazed at how quickly we reach this time of the year.  We're already at mid-term of third quarter.   Please note the upcoming activities and events:

Wednesday, February 4--Harmonicas.  We began today.  If you would like your student to borrow one from me, let me know.  They can also purchase one from me ($4.50), or buy one elsewhere (Key of C).   We will squeeze in 15 minute practice times here at school on Tuesdays and Fridays.  

Monday, February 9--Worker's Holiday.  This will be a read-a-thon.  Students may wear PJ's and bring a few healthy snacks to munch on while they read.  They may bring a pillow or blanket, if they wish, and a GOOD BOOK to read.   Those who have missing assignments will be catching up on them during this time.

Thursday, February 11--SAGE writing test (the real thing)
Thursday, February 19--SAGE writing tests will be administered at 9:00-12:00 during the 11th and 19th.   Please make sure your child gets a good night's sleep and eats a good breakfast.

Friday, February 13--Valentine Party.  We will take the last period of the day to open Valentines.  Each student may bring a Valentine for each of his/her classmates.  These may be home-made or store-bought.  Usually we have plenty of candy inside the Valentines, but if you wish, you may send a treat.   If students would like, they can decorate a box at home and bring it to hold their Valentines.  If not, I will provide a large envelope they can use.   I will send a list of names home tomorrow.  Sorry, I forgot to attach it to the progress report today.

Friday, February 13--Valentine Literacy Unit is due.  I hope your child has interviewed you (or Grandpa and Grandma) and written up your love story.  This needs to be written neatly or typed.  This activity will help students improve their writing skills as they think of a "power house" lead and a "home run conclusion".   I ask that you help them with this.

Wednesday, February 18--Book Project due.  This is a Cereal Box Report (or any box will do).
Students have an instruction sheet to refer to.  S/he will need to stand in front of class and share the box and all the "ingredients" listed on the outside.  The book needs to be_____

Monday, February 16-- President's Day, no school.

Friday, February 20--Spelling Bee.  A qualifying test will be given to students on the 12th.  Highest scorers will compete in the Spelling Bee.  (A list of 100 words was sent home a few weeks ago so students could study and prepare, if they wanted).

Parent Conferences (SEPs) will be the first week of March.  I will send home schedules in two weeks.  If you have any conflicts going on this week, please let me know so I can avoid those days when I schedule your appointment.

I hope you have been able to view some of the GO MATH teaching videos.  You can go directly to the link on the South Elementary home page.  There is one video for each lesson.  The after school math tutor is also available on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays until 4:00.

Science Share Fair:  We won't be having a science fair this year.  Instead, we will present a SCIENCE SHARE FAIR.  Students will not be judged, but will present a research paper or a full blown project in class, and then in the gym with all the 5th graders.  They can choose to write a research paper or conduct an investigation.  More information will be sent home in two weeks.  This will be due the end of March.

Please look at the Progress Report I sent home today and sign the orange slip.  The typing sheet I attached will be the last one going home (but don't stop practicing).

I know it sounds like a lot is expected this month, but I've tried to space it out so that everything doesn't come due all at once.   I hope I haven't forgotten anything, but feel free to tell me if I did!
I value your input, and I know how necessary it is that we keep communication lines open.

                              Thank you!  Mrs. Payne

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