Dear Parents,
I forgot to update this blog when I sent home the latest notice about your student's progress. So here it is:
End of Level Testing will be--
Science- Thursday, April 23
Lang. Arts-Thursday, April 30
Math #1- Tuesday, May 5
Math #2- Thursday, May 7
Notice the change in the math dates.
Saturday, April 25--Kite Flight reading incentive. Turn in reading sheets at the
CMS, get a free kite. 10:00-3:00 PM. Our school gets money for this :)
Thursday, April 30--Magic of Writing entries are due.
My students are all working on their fantasy/science fiction stories about a planet called Wakyabi and its humanoid, insect, and animal organisms. Their creatures have specialized structures and variations that help them survive in their environment. These stories will be entered in our Magic of Writing contest.
Since the computers are being used for testing, your child may need to finish his/her story at home.
We are finishing up our study on World War 2, and will read about the Korean, Vietnam, Cold War, then our current War on Terrorism. We won't spend a lot of time on these wars, but if any of you parents have served in one of them, we'd love you to visit our classroom and tell us about your service.
These dates are coming up in May:
Friday, May 1-Reading Celebration, here at the school. This is sponsored by the PTA and is centered around the author, Mo Willems.
Monday, May 11-Field Trip to Zion ($3.00 to see the movie in the IMax Theater).
Tuesday, May 12-Tour CMS (We'll walk there and back).
Thursday, May 14--Battle of the Books (We'd love some of you to volunteer).
Thursday, May 14--Orchestra Concert @ 1:00 PM
Friday, May 15-Judicial & Congressional Awards (Ice Cream Sundaes &
Movie and Popcorn)
Monday, May 18-Breakfast in the Park (for Presidential Award winners)
Tuesday, May 19-American Heroes Program (10:00 & 2:00)
Wednesday, May 20- Tent Day (Worker's Holiday)
Wednesday, May 20- Awards Assembly for Reading Revolution and Patriot
Thursday, May 21--Field Day at CHS track
Friday, May 22--Last Day of School.
Whew! Not a lot of time left over for reading, writing, and arithmetic, but I'll do what I can to fit it in. Let me know if you would like to chaperone our field trip, help with the Battle of the Books, or help with Breakfast in the Park.
Once again, thanks for your continual support!
Sincerely, Jeanne Payne
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