Wednesday, September 28, 2016

September 28, 2016

Dear Parents,

Your children were well-behaved and respectful on our field trip yesterday, and we heard over and over, “This is the best field trip ever!”  We teachers had a good time, as well. We didn’t schedule the Cedar Breaks overlook into our schedule, but they were kind enough to let us in without a fee waiver. We feel very fortunate about that. Thanks for helping, chaperoning, and preparing your kids for the day.

Here are a few items to calendar:
*First Lego League.  If your child wants to be a part of this team, s/he needs to write an essay on what makes her a good candidate, why he desires to be a part of this, etc. The essay doesn’t need to be lengthy; it just needs to show their commitment and desire.   Bring it to school by this Friday, September 28.

*SEP’s October 3-7. If you haven’t sent back the paper confirming the time scheduled for you, please do so asap. We look forward to visiting with you and your child. Also, this during week we will administer the SAGE Interim Assessment. This will help us see what your students already know and how we can best help them this year.  

*Volcano Explosion Day-Wednesday, October 19.  Please read the accompanying letter which explains the details of this exciting event.
*Book reports are due for Mrs. Williams and Mrs. Little’s students. For Mrs. Payne’s students, the first book project is due Friday, October 14. The genre required is BIOGRAPHY and will be presented in front of the class. Students will receive specific details this week.

“Tween Author Boot Camp”, a writing conference for kids 9-12, will be held Saturday, October 29 at Dixie State University in St. George. This is optional, but if your child loves to write, this would be a wonderful camp to attend. Let us know if you are interested and we can give you the details.
Reflections Contest entries are due October 28.
Thanks for being such supportive parents! We’ll see you at SEPs.

  Mrs. Payne, Mrs. Little, Mrs WIlliams

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

SEPTEMBER 14, 2016

Dear Parents,
    We are halfway through first quarter, already.  Can you believe it?  Time flies when you are having fun!  
    Please be sure to look at your child’s grades online today.  Your child will be bringing home a missing assignments report, along with a printout that indicates how s/he is doing in each subject category.  When you have viewed your child’s grades online and have read this blog, please sign the signature sheet and send it back to school.
    We still have quite a few parents who need to sign the electronic forms for Safe Schools and Computer Use.  The students do get credit for you signing these two waivers. They also cannot get online without the Computer Use.  It will show on their next progress report whether you signed the forms or not.  **Check with Mrs. Griffiths in the front office if you have trouble with logging into Power School or signing the forms electronically.
    Our Worker’s Holiday is coming up on Monday, September 19th.  We plan on having a kickball tournament for the kids that have all of their assignments turned in with an 80% or better.  This activity will take place after lunch from 12:45 to 2:15.  Students will need all of their missing work turned into their teacher by Friday, September 16th, in order to qualify for this activity.  If you see that your child has a long list of missing work, chances of making this Worker’s Holiday, may not happen, but encourage them to still get the missing work in, because it will all need to be turned in for the next Worker’s Holiday. Students not earning the activity will work with one of the teachers during this time on missing work.
    Our field trip to Mammoth Cave is coming up, as well.  It will be on Tuesday, September 27th.  We have plenty of parent volunteers for this field trip, so if you didn’t get to come on this one, be sure to make the next one.  We do have some students who have not turned in their permission slips for this activity yet.  If you see that your child is missing the last newsletter form, please get that signed and turned in as soon as you can. Remember that your child will need to wear good hiking shoes, a jacket or sweatshirt, a flashlight and a water bottle or two.  The weather is starting to cool down some, and we will be on the mountain, so dress your child accordingly.
Reflections Contest is coming up. I hope your child will participate in this. The theme this year is "What is Your Story?" Deadline is October 28.
    Parent Conferences are coming up on the first week of October.  We will send home an SEP schedule soon, which will have your time to meet with us. Please look for that.
    We have really enjoyed the students so far this year.  Thanks for the help you give us with your child.

                                                                              Mrs. Little, Mrs. Payne and Mrs. Williams

**The next blog update and grades will be on Wed. September 28.

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

September 7, 2016

Dear Parents,

     The letter that your child brought home last Wednesday represented all of the 5th grade classes, and was written by Mrs. Williams.  This letter today is from me about my class:)

     I have been enjoying your children, getting to know them and their abilities and interests.  Most of the students have completed their first narrative, a scar story, about themselves. I've enjoyed reading about each of them. We are finishing the last revision, then we'll say goodbye to that project. We will begin a new writing project-another personal narrative. This one will be their choice.

     I have updated PowerSchool, so you should find an accurate accounting of your child's progress. Let me know if you have questions. This is my grading policy: if students hand in work by the due date, they earn full credit. If the assignment is handed in late, points are deducted.  Of course, if s/he is sick, extra time is granted.  I have six students who are missing an assignment that was due two weeks ago. I explained to them that this assignment would be worth only a few points by now, because each day they procrastinate means more points deducted.  I would love it if you had a discussion about this at home.  Since Worker's Holidays are hinged on their progress reports, and late assignments bring down their percentage, some students may not qualify for our first Worker's Holiday coming up in a few weeks.  I would love it if EVERY student earned the right to attend these fun activities.

       If you are interested and able to help in our classroom with math (10:00-10:30), I'd love to have someone come in on Thursdays.  I also could use help on every other Monday (beginning this coming Monday).  Thanks!

     One more concern: I need my students to learn how to type faster, and with correct fingering.  I wish I had the time to teach this in school, but sadly, I can't carve out more than 20 minutes a week for this vital skill.  I would love it if your child could practice a typing program at home. Even a few times a week is helpful. There are many online sites (abcya and Nitrotype are fun ones).  By April they need to type 20-25 wpm in order to complete the essays for the SAGE testing.  Thanks for your support in this!

    Please contact me with your concerns.  I want your children to succeed this year!  
                                                           Jeanne Payne