Wednesday, September 14, 2016

SEPTEMBER 14, 2016

Dear Parents,
    We are halfway through first quarter, already.  Can you believe it?  Time flies when you are having fun!  
    Please be sure to look at your child’s grades online today.  Your child will be bringing home a missing assignments report, along with a printout that indicates how s/he is doing in each subject category.  When you have viewed your child’s grades online and have read this blog, please sign the signature sheet and send it back to school.
    We still have quite a few parents who need to sign the electronic forms for Safe Schools and Computer Use.  The students do get credit for you signing these two waivers. They also cannot get online without the Computer Use.  It will show on their next progress report whether you signed the forms or not.  **Check with Mrs. Griffiths in the front office if you have trouble with logging into Power School or signing the forms electronically.
    Our Worker’s Holiday is coming up on Monday, September 19th.  We plan on having a kickball tournament for the kids that have all of their assignments turned in with an 80% or better.  This activity will take place after lunch from 12:45 to 2:15.  Students will need all of their missing work turned into their teacher by Friday, September 16th, in order to qualify for this activity.  If you see that your child has a long list of missing work, chances of making this Worker’s Holiday, may not happen, but encourage them to still get the missing work in, because it will all need to be turned in for the next Worker’s Holiday. Students not earning the activity will work with one of the teachers during this time on missing work.
    Our field trip to Mammoth Cave is coming up, as well.  It will be on Tuesday, September 27th.  We have plenty of parent volunteers for this field trip, so if you didn’t get to come on this one, be sure to make the next one.  We do have some students who have not turned in their permission slips for this activity yet.  If you see that your child is missing the last newsletter form, please get that signed and turned in as soon as you can. Remember that your child will need to wear good hiking shoes, a jacket or sweatshirt, a flashlight and a water bottle or two.  The weather is starting to cool down some, and we will be on the mountain, so dress your child accordingly.
Reflections Contest is coming up. I hope your child will participate in this. The theme this year is "What is Your Story?" Deadline is October 28.
    Parent Conferences are coming up on the first week of October.  We will send home an SEP schedule soon, which will have your time to meet with us. Please look for that.
    We have really enjoyed the students so far this year.  Thanks for the help you give us with your child.

                                                                              Mrs. Little, Mrs. Payne and Mrs. Williams

**The next blog update and grades will be on Wed. September 28.

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