Tuesday, December 18, 2018

5th Grade Newsletter
December 18, 2018

This Thursday will be our last day of school for the year
2018, then we’ll see our students again on January 2nd.  
We hope you plan to spend some good bonding time with
your families.

We are planning our next Worker’s Holiday to be
held January 2nd, the day we get back from Christmas
break.  In order for students to qualify for this Worker’s
Holiday, they need to turn in all missing work by this
Thursday, 20th, and earn 80% or higher on their progress
reports.    Those progress reports were sent home today,
so please look for them and send back the red slip
verifying that you have looked over their report.

We plan to have Christmas parties on Thursday, but each
class will be different.  Your child’s teacher will let you know
what you can expect.  *Mrs. Payne's class has decided that
if students want to bring a treat, they can; but if they do,
they need to bring a treat for the entire class (29 students).
Students don't need to bring anything at all--their choice.
Also, Mrs. Payne will NOT have a gift exchange :)

The year is almost half over--hard to believe!   We loved
hearing the orchestra students perform at our Christmas Sing
yesterday.  They did a great job! There’s nothing like music
to bring in the spirit of the season.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you and your

Mrs. Payne, Mr. Sahagun, Mrs. Williams, and Mrs. Little

**The first print out for third-quarter will be sent home on
Wednesday, January 16.

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

DECEMBER 5, 2018

    Can you believe we are pretty much halfway through the school
year?  Time sure does fly by when you are having fun.
    We only have two more weeks until Christmas break and yet there
is a lot left to accomplish before then, so we ask that students really try
to make it to school every day to stay caught up before the end of the
    Christmas break will start on Friday, December 21st and will
resume on Wednesday, January 2nd.  Progress reports will be
sent home with students on Tuesday, December 18th and any
missing work your child may have,  will need to be handed into
their teacher by Thursday, December 20th, in order to qualify
for Workers Holiday. The next Workers Holiday will be on
Wednesday, January 2nd.  This will be the same day the students
come back to school from their Christmas break.  More information
about the Workers Holiday will be sent home in the next newsletter.
    With the weather getting colder, we ask that students come to
school dressed in appropriate attire to handle the cold.  Students
never know when they are going to be required to stay outside for
lunch breaks or afternoon breaks, and if they are not dressed for the
cold weather, those break times can be miserable for them.  Please
make sure your child wears their coats to school and are always
prepared for an outside day at break time.
    We do appreciate you parents and all of the help you give us in
helping your child succeed.

Mrs. Little, Mrs. Payne, Mrs. Williams and Mr. Sahagun

***Please sign the verification form, attached to your child’s print out ,
stating that you have read this newsletter and have viewed your child’s grades.  
The next print out will come home on Tuesday, December 18th.


Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Coming Up:
  Friday, November 16- All work due
  Tuesday, November 20-Worker’s Holiday
  Tuesday, November 20-Maturation Program @ 2:30
  Wednesday, November 21-Thanksgiving Holiday begins
  Monday, November 26-Back to School
  Wednesday, November 28-Fudge-In-A-Bag
  Wednesday, December 5-Blog update and grades

The students did an outstanding job singing at the
Veteran’s Day program on Monday!  We have heard many
nice comments about the songs they performed. It was
nice to have some of you there, even if it was quite chilly.
         WORKER’S HOLIDAY will be for those students who
have turned in ALL assignments and have earned 80% or
higher by this Friday, November 16.  On Tuesday, November 20
(morning) these students will watch a family feature video. They will
be able to choose from three movies. They may bring a few treats to
eat during the video and a pillow or blanket to sit on. Those who don’t
earn this activity will use the time to catch up on assignments.
MATURATION PROGRAMS will be in the afternoon of Tuesday,
November 20 at 2:30. Boys will be in the gym and girls will be in the
library. Generally, mom attends with her daughter and dad attends
with his son.  There are students who may attend by themselves or
sit with a friend’s parent. However, students must have the permission
letter signed in order to attend. (It is ok for moms or dads to
attend either program.)  You may take your child home with
you after the presentation.
There will be no school on November 21,22, & 23.
We will make FUDGE-IN-A-BAG on Wednesday, November 28
to go with our matter unit in science.  We would like to ask
for a $1.00 donation to cover the cost of the ingredients.
If possible, please send the donation in by Tues., Nov. 20.  
Each student will make their own bag. We will do this at 12:45
and could use 5 or 6 parents to help. Please let us know if you
are able to come help.
We appreciate your help in and out of our classrooms. Thanks for
supporting our efforts in educating your children. Supportive parents
make our jobs more rewarding!
Mrs. Williams, Mrs. Little, Mrs. Payne, & Mr. Sahagun

**Please sign the verification form stating that you have read this letter and
checked your child’s grades.  The next blog up-date will be on Wed., Dec. 5.

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

October 24, 2018

                                5th Grade Newsletter

Upcoming Events:

Halloween, 31st- no costumes, no parties unless your child's
teacher lets you know.

SUU Veterans Poster Contest--entries are due November 1st,
if your child wants to enter. Mrs. Williams, Mrs. Little, and
Mrs. Payne's classes are completing this as a class assignment.
Art will be displayed at Sharwan Smith Center and the theme
is What America Means to Me.

Cedar City Veteran's Day Program, November 12th. Our 5th
graders perform at the Veteran's Park at 10:00 AM. Students
will ride the bus there and walk back. We will arrive at the
school in time for lunch. You're welcome to attend.

Maturation Program, November 20th at 2:30 PM. Girls in the
library, boys in the gym.

Thanksgiving Holiday, November 21-23.

It is a new quarter! Missing assignments from the 1st quarter are
not included in the missing assignment report. This is a great
opportunity for students to apply their time management skills
so that they can participate in upcoming Worker's Holidays. In a
recent news article a coach of a youth lacrosse team sent an email to
parents lamenting that players were more focused on Fortnight than
the game. In addition to time management, we want students to learn
to be present and in the moment. Talk with your students about doing
the right things at the right time and right place!

Thank you parents, for all your help and support! We had a blast on
Volcano Day and loved having so many of you attend the event. South
Elementary Eagles Soar! The next newsletter will be available on
Wednesday, November 7th.

Mr. Sahagun, Mrs. Little, Mrs. Payne, Mrs. Williams

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Mrs. Payne's Newsletter, September 18, 2018

Dear Parents,
    Can you believe that we are already halfway
through first quarter?  Time really does fly when you
are having fun!
    Remember that students need to read 150 minutes
a week (every night is best). School reading doesn't
count. Reading Journals are due every Wednesday, with
a letter to me about the book you are currently reading.
    The Orchestra students have gotten off to a good start
and have been bringing their instruments for a
week or so now. Practicing each night is important in
making progress.
    Be sure to look at your child’s progress report
online tonight, as well as this newsletter.  If you see
that your child is missing any work, s/he has until
Friday to get that turned in.  
Students who do have all their missing work handed in and
have an 80% or better on their overall grade will get to
attend Worker’s Holiday on Monday, September 24th.  

Worker’s Holiday: we will have a kickball tournament
plus a treat for students who qualify for Worker's Holiday.
We will start the activity at 12:45 and it will end at 2:15.  
The students who didn't qualify will stay in with
a teacher to get caught up on their missing work.
I really want EVERY student to make it to this fun event!

FIELD TRIP:    Don’t forget our Field trip on Thursday,
September 27th.  We will stop at a volcano, tour Mammoth
Caves, and hike the Alpine Loop at Cedar Breaks. Students
will do a lot of hiking at the caves and at the Alpine Loop,
so make sure that your child wears good hiking shoes,
water, jacket, and a flashlight/headlamp for the cave.
It would also be smart to wear long pants, because the cave
can get pretty slippery. We end up with skinned knees every year.  
We will leave the school at 9:00 and will be back at 3:25,
in time to catch the bus for home.  We have enough parent
help for this field trip. I wish we could accommodate more of you,
but you are welcome to drive your own vehicle, if you'd still
like to come along.
   SEP SCHEDULE:  This schedule is attached to your child's
progress report. If you can make the time that is scheduled for you, sign
and return the bottom portion, but if you can’t make the scheduled
time, please fill your name in an open slot and return it to me.
     South Elementary Family Fun Night will be on Monday, September 24
at the Fiddler’s Fun Center. Movies are at 4:30 and 7:00, with lots of other fun.  
Watch for information and pre-ticket sales.
    There will be a Code Changer kickoff event at Cedar Middle School on
October 10, 2018 at 6:00 PM.  Go and discover what coding is all about and
sign up for the free after-school program.

BOOK PROJECT: Students should have brought home a pink paper with options for our class book project activity. All projects are due to present to the class October 8th. Ask your child about this.

  Parents, thanks for your helping your child at home and supporting my efforts at school. I love these students! They must have amazing parents :)

Mrs. Jeanne Payne

Sunday, September 9, 2018

Back to School-2018

September 9, 2018

Dear parents of the best group of students in South Elementary,

I love these kids already, and I’m eager to get to know them better as the year
moves forward.  I know you received a newsletter on Wednesday concerning the
activities that are common to all the 5th grades, but I want to let you know what
we’re doing in our own classroom.

This year I am offering this award to all 5th graders--not just my own class, as I have done
in year’s past. In order to make this work, I am giving a Patriot Award Packet to all 120
students and will teach it during Rotations/Orchestra. The drawback is that the orchestra
students will need to do much of the memorizing on their own, at home or during spare
minutes in class.  Students can take the packet home, but they need to bring it back
each day (keep it in their backpacks) so we can work on it at school.  They can pass
requirements off to you and you can sign it  (any adult can sign).  I hope you will
support and encourage them in their efforts.  Many students are running with this and
have passed off several requirements already!

Our class is organized into battle camps.  Ask your child about this. The Revolutionary War is one
of my favorite units.  If you have a special interest/knowledge about aspects of this war, let me know.
 I’d love you to visit our classroom and share with us. Right now we are learning about the major
battles. We are also practicing a Readers Theater about this time period.

We are studying tectonic plates and their effects on earthquakes and volcanoes.  I hope you’ve had time
to look at the paper on home safety that your child brought home.  This is for your information only,
and is intended to start a discussion at home.

Our science field trip is Thursday, September 27.  Make sure your child brings a flashlight
(for Mammoth Caves), walking shoes, long pants, and water.  If s/he is bringing a home lunch,
don’t forget that.  The bus will pull out promptly at 9:00 AM.

Our first Genius Hour segment was a huge success!  Students reported on earth science topics, and
they all learned valuable information before our unit even began.  I was impressed with their slideshows
(with video clips imbedded). The posters were well done and are hanging on our wall.  Our next
Genius Hour will be in another month as an introduction to our Chemistry unit. Information will
come home later.

I am impressed with the “grit” and perseverance these students are showing as they stick with some
difficult math concepts.  Most of these students are coming prepared with their homework, but a few
have had to give up some of their break in order to complete it.  I hate to see that happen; I know
how important breaks are. Please let me know if you see that your child is not understanding a math
concept (and you aren’t able to help at home).   

Our Scar Stories are almost ready to display.  These students have been willing to work hard to
improve their writing, and I’m impressed with their efforts.  I hope you have the chance to read
their work.

Please feel free to email me with any concerns.  I’ve found that correct information doesn’t
always make it home :)  
I want every one of my students to succeed in school this year.  I want them to feel safe in my
classroom, and eager to learn and grow.  I want this to be a great year for them!

Thanks for sharing your children with me!
Jeanne Payne