Mrs. Payne's Newsletter, September 18, 2018
Dear Parents,
Can you believe that we are already halfway
through first quarter? Time really does fly when you
are having fun!
Remember that students need to read 150 minutes
a week (every night is best). School reading doesn't
count. Reading Journals are due every Wednesday, with
a letter to me about the book you are currently reading.
The Orchestra students have gotten off to a good start
and have been bringing their instruments for a
week or so now. Practicing each night is important in
making progress.
Be sure to look at your child’s progress report
online tonight, as well as this newsletter. If you see
that your child is missing any work, s/he has until
Friday to get that turned in.
Students who do have all their missing work handed in and
have an 80% or better on their overall grade will get to
attend Worker’s Holiday on Monday, September 24th.
Worker’s Holiday: we will have a kickball tournament
plus a treat for students who qualify for Worker's Holiday.
We will start the activity at 12:45 and it will end at 2:15.
The students who didn't qualify will stay in with
a teacher to get caught up on their missing work.
I really want EVERY student to make it to this fun event!
FIELD TRIP: Don’t forget our Field trip on Thursday,
September 27th. We will stop at a volcano, tour Mammoth
Caves, and hike the Alpine Loop at Cedar Breaks. Students
will do a lot of hiking at the caves and at the Alpine Loop,
so make sure that your child wears good hiking shoes,
water, jacket, and a flashlight/headlamp for the cave.
It would also be smart to wear long pants, because the cave
can get pretty slippery. We end up with skinned knees every year.
We will leave the school at 9:00 and will be back at 3:25,
in time to catch the bus for home. We have enough parent
help for this field trip. I wish we could accommodate more of you,
but you are welcome to drive your own vehicle, if you'd still
like to come along.
SEP SCHEDULE: This schedule is attached to your child's
progress report. If you can make the time that is scheduled for you, sign
and return the bottom portion, but if you can’t make the scheduled
time, please fill your name in an open slot and return it to me.
South Elementary Family Fun Night will be on Monday, September 24
at the Fiddler’s Fun Center. Movies are at 4:30 and 7:00, with lots of other fun.
Watch for information and pre-ticket sales.
at the Fiddler’s Fun Center. Movies are at 4:30 and 7:00, with lots of other fun.
Watch for information and pre-ticket sales.
There will be a Code Changer kickoff event at Cedar Middle School on
October 10, 2018 at 6:00 PM. Go and discover what coding is all about and
sign up for the free after-school program.
October 10, 2018 at 6:00 PM. Go and discover what coding is all about and
sign up for the free after-school program.
BOOK PROJECT: Students should have brought home a pink paper with options for our class book project activity. All projects are due to present to the class October 8th. Ask your child about this.
Parents, thanks for your helping your child at home and supporting my efforts at school. I love these students! They must have amazing parents :)
Mrs. Jeanne Payne
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