Wednesday, May 1, 2019

May Newsletter

5th Grade Newsletter    
May 1, 2019
Dear Parents,

    Can you believe the end of the year has arrived?  
Where has this year gone? It is really sad that things are
coming to an end.
    Testing has started this week and we ask that students
try to be here every day for the rest of this week and the next.
 If you know your child will be missing any days within the next
two weeks, please let us know as soon as possible, so we can
get their testing made up either before they are gone or schedule
a time when they can test when they come back to school.  
Testing is really hard to make up, so being able to be present
at school, during this time of testing, is most important.
    We want to remind you that the color run donations are due today.
There is also an orchestra concert at 2:00 on Friday, as well.  All
orchestra students will need to remember their instruments that day.
    Students need to be working hard on memorizing their parts for the
Great American program.  We encourage parents to help their child with
memorizing their part, because there is no time to do it at school.  Students
are expected to do this at home and on their own time. Remember that on
Wednesday, May 8th we will be having a costume check.  Students
will need to bring their costume to school that day to show their teacher.  
Our Great American Program will be at 2:00 on Tuesday, May 14th.
    Battle of the Books will be happening on Thursday, May 9th.  
This will take place first thing in the morning.  We can still use some help
with this fun activity, so if there are any parents that would like to come
and help, please let us know ASAP.  
    Reading Revolution book reports (for Mrs. Williams and Mrs. Little’s
classes) and reading journals/records (for Mrs. Payne and Mr. Sahagun’s
classes) are due on Friday, May 10th.  We will not accept them after this
date.  We will be touring the Cedar Middle School on Friday, May 10th,
as well.  A bus will take us to the school and we will be walking back.  
Please make sure your child wears good walking shoes for the walk back.
    We will be tie dying shirts for art class on Friday, May 17th, but we
need all students need to have their white T-shirt to school by Wednesday,
May 15th.  Students can bring a used white shirt or they can purchase one for
this activity.  Your child’s final grade printout for 4th quarter will be handed
out on Wednesday, May 15th, as well. All work will need to be turned in by
Friday, May 17th, in order to qualify for our last Worker’s Holiday, which is tent
day.  More information will be sent home in the next newsletter on this activity.
    Tuesday, May 21st will be our field day and color run.
    Remember that on the last day of school, students will be dismissed at
12:00 and not 1:30.
    Thank you so much for all the help you have given us this year.  We appreciate it.
                                                              Mrs. Little, Mrs. Payne,
                                                              Mrs. Williams and Mr. Sahagun
    5th Grade Calendar
Wed., May 1-Blog up-date and grades
Thurs., May 2- TESTING (morning)               
Fri., May 3-TESTING (morning)
                  Orchestra Program @ 2:00
Mon., May 6-TESTING (morning)
Tues., May 7-TESTING (morning)
Wed., May 8-Costume check (Bring Famous American costume to school)
Thurs., May 9-Battle of the Books (We could use some parent helpers AM)
                         Program practice in the afternoon.
Fri., May 10-Last day for BOOK REPORTS or JOURNAL(Payne)
                   Middle School Tour in the morning (We walk back)
        Program practice in the afternoon
Mon., May 13-Program practice in the morning
Tues., May 14-GREAT AMERICAN PROGRAM (10:00-school/ 2:00-Parents)
                        WEAR COSTUME TO SCHOOL.
Wed., May 15-Judicial Reading Award (sundaes) in the afternoon
                      FINAL Blog up-date and grades
                      MIDDLE SCHOOL OPEN HOUSE 5-7 PM(pick up 6th grade schedule)
Thurs., May 16-Congressional Reading Award PM (movie/popcorn)
Fri., May 17- Executive Reading Reward AM (Breakfast in the Park)     
Mon., May 20-Worker’s Holiday (Tent Day)
Tues., May 22--Field Day/Color Run

Wed., May 22--Last day of school/ Dismissal at 12:00

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