5th Grade Newsletter
April 20, 2016
We have attached the calendar events again this week. You can see that we are gearing up for a lot of activity. Our biggest focus right now is End of Level Testing coming up next week. We are using every minute to review and teach important concepts our students need in order to do well on these tests. Please make sure your child is in school, because most of our reviewing is not in a book or a worksheet. These reviews are discussions, games, and other activities. They cannot be made up.
We want to push the Kite Flight activity on the 30th. Thousands of dollars are given out to the schools in our district, depending on the number of students who bring in their reading sheets. Students receive a free kite, book, or movie ticket when they attend this event, and our school gets money! (If your child has lost his/her reading record, please talk to us and we’ll see if we can locate another one :)
Our Great Americans program needs another musical number from one of your talented students. We need someone to play (piano or another instrument) a song about the flag, such as Stars and Stripes Forever. Or, if that one isn’t possible, another song would do, such as This Land is Your Land, God Bless America. Let us know if your child would like to take this on and which song it would be.
We hope your child is still reading strong at home. We are excited about the upcoming reading awards in May. Thanks for your help and support at home and at school. We enjoy teaching these students!
Mrs. Payne, Mrs. Little, Mrs. Williams
FYI: We gave each student a Great Americans Program packet today. This is the entire play/musical so that they can memorize their lines and become familiar with the layout of the program.
5th Grade Calendar
- Thurs., Apr. 28-TESTING (morning)
- Fri., Apr. 29- TESTING (afternoon)
- Mon., May 2-TESTING (morning)
- Tues., May 3-TESTING (morning)
- Wed. May 4- Newsletter/progress report
- Thurs., May 5-TESTING (morning)/-Reading Celebration (afternoon)
- Thurs., May 12-Battle of the Books(5th grade-morning) We need parent help.
- Fri., May 13- Orchestra concert @ 1:30
- Mon., May16--Field Trip to Zion ($3.00 for the movie, Treasure of the Gods)
- Tues., May 17--ALL books read and written about for Reading Revolution/ program practice in the afternoon
- Wed., May 18-costume check (Bring in costume for Great American play.)
- Thurs., May 19-Tour of the Middle School (We walk back.) Judicial Reading Award (sundaes) in the afternoon/Cedar Middle School Spring Open House from 5:30 - 7:30 (You will be able to pick up a class schedule for next year.)
- Fri.., May 20-- program practice in the morning/ Congressional Reading Award (movie/popcorn) in the afternoon/Final Newsletter/ progress report
- Mon., May 23-- Presidential Reading Reward (Breakfast in the Park)/
program practice in the afternoon
- Tues., May 24--Famous American 5th Grade Program @ 10:00 for K-3 & 2:00 for 4th grade and parents
- Wed.,May 25-Worker’s Holiday (Tent Day)
- Thurs., May 26--Track and Field Day for 4th & 5th grade @ CHS (We need parent volunteers this day.) Students need a white t-shirt (new or old) to color for a final art project with Mrs. Davis, at the end of the day.
- Fri., May 27--Last day of school/ Dismissal at 2:30
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