Friday, May 20, 2016

5th Grade Newsletter
May 20, 2016

    Wow, how this year has flown!!  We have enjoyed your children so much.
    We are down to the last 5 days of school, and the days will be packed with lots of fun and exciting activities and events. We were so pleased with the Reading Revolution participation.  We have had the ice-cream sundae party and the movie/popcorn party.  Breakfast in the park is on Monday.  The students will get on a bus at 8:50 with Mrs. Payne and go to the Canyon Park  for a delicious breakfast.  They will walk back to school.  The Great American Heroes Program will be Tuesday, May 24th.  This program will start at 2:00 and will last a little over an hour.  Students can come dressed in their costume on this day, as they will be performing in the morning, as well as in the afternoon. The students have been practicing hard for this program and are way excited, so we hope you will be able to make it to see your child perform.  Thank  you for finding costumes for your children.
    On Wednesday, May 25th we will be having our last Worker’s Holiday.  This will be a tent day and will go most of the day.  Students can set their tents up before  8:50 AM, or after the program and then we will have them take them down around 1:15 PM.  We have an awards assembly at 9:00 and will go out  to the tents when it is over.  Students will be allowed to bring games, books, treats, blankets and pillows to have and play with in their tents. Most students have chosen not to eat school lunch this day, so have them remember their lunches.  We ask that they don’t bring any water toys.  Please make sure that your child knows how to put their tent up and how to take it down; parents can come help their child do this if they want to.  Students can also share a tent with other students.  Only the students that have everything turned in, with an 80% or better can attend this tent day.
    The Track and Field Day will be on Thursday, May 26th.  This will be most of the day and will be at the Cedar High track.  Students will need to make sure they wear their tennis shoes that day and that they wear their normal gym clothes.  Please make sure that your child follows the school’s dress code; no tank tops or short shorts will be acceptable. Remember to send  money and/or lunch for those who did NOT order a sack lunch.  We will be doing our end of year art activity with the white shirts, when we get back to school after the track meet.
    This will be your child’s last newsletter and progress report this year.  Anything that your child still has missing will need to be turned into their teacher by Tuesday May 24th.
    Please remember that school will be letting out at 2:30 instead of 3:30 on the last day of school.
    Thank you so much for such a great year.  We have really enjoyed teaching your children.  We wish you the best of luck next year, and have a great summer!
                                                           Mrs. Williams, Mrs. Payne and Mrs. Little

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