Friday, November 1, 2013

What's ahead for November?

Here's What's Happening for November:

Thursday, November 7  --Jenny Oaks Baker Violin Concert, Heritage Center
Friday, November 8      --Reflections Contest Entries Due
                                      --Gateway Discovery Science Visits the 5th Grade
Friday, November 15    --Interview Questions Due (about your ancestor)
Monday, November 25 --Ancestor Share Fair, 1:45-3:15, Gym
November 27-29           --Thanksgiving Holiday

     Our 5th graders will walk to the Heritage Theater on Thursday, 7th, to see the concert.  This is a long walk, so students need to wear good shoes and jackets.  The concert begins at 11:00, so we will leave the school around 10:30 and return around 12:15, in time to eat a late lunch.

     I am requiring each student to enter something in the Reflections Contest.  They can enter any (or all) of the eight categories.   Any of their writing pieces from school can be entered, or they can complete something at home.  Entry forms are in the office.  I believe that if students do their best work and stretch themselves, then they have won.   They may not receive a ribbon, but the learning experience is the prize.   Their entry is due anytime between now and the 8th, before 4:00 PM.

     Greek and Latin Roots:
      You may have noticed a roots list coming home last week.  We just took the first test, and almost everyone in the class earned 100% or missed only one or two!   I will send home a roots list every other week or so.  The spelling list will continue to come home every week, and a test will be given every Friday, as usual.

      So far we have written a bio-poem, two autobiographical sketches, and are finishing a historical fiction (a time travel story back to the Revolutionary War).   We are also learning how to write an opinion essay.  These students are willing to put forth the effort to create a quality piece of writing.  I'm proud of them and their enthusiasm.  Remember, they can access their writing at home or anywhere there is Internet.  

      We walked with Mrs. Garrett's class to CHS and watched Mr. Sullivan's Halloween chemistry show.  It was better than any party we could have had in the classroom!
We have begun a new unit on Chemical/Physical Changes.

     Social Studies:
      The Revolutionary War is over.  Now we will learn about the Constitution and Branches of Government.   I am teaching students how to sign the Pledge of Allegience.  They will also be required to memorize the Preamble to the Constitution.

     Ancestor Share Fair will be held on November 22, Monday.  Next week we will send home information about this fair, along with details on how to design the display board.  We will also give each student an interview sheet that s/he will use to interview someone about their ancestor.  The ancestor needs to be an immigrant to America, but students can interview anyone who has any knowledge about that ancestor.  (They can interview parents, uncle, grandma, etc.)
     We are asking that the Interview Sheet be filled out and returned by the 15th, so that we know students are on track and not waiting until the night before to do anything.  This is a major project, and will require parent help.  I will return the Interview Sheet immediately so that students can begin writing the essay about their ancestor.

      Students are learning how to add and subtract decimals.  This has been an easy concept for most of them.  When the going is tough, they are persistent in staying with it until the end.  Honestly, I am amazed at how they have tackled some difficult concepts.   Good work ethic!

     Home Reading:
    When you sign the Reading Planners, please make sure they have written a summary of their daily reading.  Some of them are getting sloppy...

Please let me know if any of this doesn't make sense.  I'll be happy to answer any questions.
I am loving these students!  Teaching them is truly a joy.

 Jeanne Payne