Wednesday, January 27, 2016

JANUARY 27, 2016
Dear Parents,
    Sorry that the Snow Day we had planned for Worker’s Holiday from last quarter, hasn’t worked out yet.  We thought we would have had some snow by now, but the sun keeps showing itself, so we will be doing an alternate activity this Friday in place of it, unless it happens to snow in the next two days. If there is snow on the ground tomorrow or Friday have your child come prepared for the Snow Day activity, but if it stays sunny and nice, we will be having a Game Activity for the students on Friday.  Students will bring in games they would like to play from home, and they will enjoy these games with other students who also made Worker’s Holiday. Electronics are fine to bring, but the students have to be responsible for them.
    The students were given a list of words for the Spelling Bee which is coming up on Monday, February 8th.  They will be given a pre-test tomorrow on these words, to see if they qualify for the Spelling Bee.  All students are required to take the pre-test.  The top three students in each class will be nominated to be in the Spelling Bee.   If these students choose not to be a participant in the Spelling Bee, then they can opt out.  Please have your child look over the list tonight, so they can do well on the pre-test tomorrow.  The pre-test will go on their grade.
    Please ask your child for his/her Kite Flight calendar that your child will be receiving soon.  This is an easy and fun way for our school to earn money.  The students are required to read every night anyway, so you can add their minutes to the Kite Flight calendar.  Keep this calendar in a safe place until April when you will turn it into the Kite Flight people.  Your child will receive a free kite or book, and our school will receive money toward items we need for our school.
    Remember SEP week is next week.  We look forward to visiting with you about your child’s progress.  If you haven’t sent back the SEP form indicating whether or not you can make your SEP time, please make sure to do that in the next couple days.  Remember that school lets out at 2:30 all week next week, even on early out Wednesday. Your child will be registering for 6th grade next week.  S/he will need to choose orchestra, band, or art/music appreciation.  The instrument your child wants to play will need to be listed.  We have sent home information booklets about orchestra and band.
    The BOOK FAIR is also next week.  It is buy one get one free.
    We will be going to the STEAM festival at the Heritage Center on Fri., Feb. 12.  We will ride a bus over first thing in the morning and walk back to school in time for lunch.  (This time may change, but we'll let you know). We will celebrate Valentine’s Day during the afternoon. A class list will be sent home.
    There is no school on Mon. Feb.15.
    We appreciate all the help and support you have given us this year.  Thanks for all that you do.

                                                                      Mrs. Little, Mrs. Payne and Mrs. Williams

Wednesday, January 13, 2016


 5th Grade Newsletter
January 13, 2016
Coming up:
15th-Term ends; ALL WORK DUE
18th-MLK Day, No school
19th-Worker’s Holiday, if sufficient snow
22nd-SAGE Interim test in Reading/Writing
27th- First print out for 3rd term/ new blog entry

1st-5th   SEP WEEK (form is attached)/ dismissed at 2:30 daily
12th13th- Cedar City STEAM Festival

       We are planning on having Worker’s Holiday the day after Martin Luther King Day. The activity will be our annual sledding activity at CHS soccer field, IF we have enough snow. If the snow is too sparse, we will postpone the activity from one day to the next, until we get snow. We need to be flexible and be prepared each day.  Students will need to bring these items:
Large plastic garbage bag
Packet of hot chocolate or cider
Warm clothing (coat, hat, gloves, boots, extra layers)
    *Don’t wear all your layers to school, since this will be in the afternoon

    We will slide down the hill on our garbage bags, so the bigger/thicker, the better. No sleds or plastic saucers. We will furnish hot water and cups for the drinks. We plan to be away from the school from 1:00-3:15.  Remember, students need to earn 80% or higher and have all assignments turned in by this Friday 15th.

     Please continue to monitor home reading (30 minutes a night), and math homework.  We would also love it if you would log into your students’ google accounts and help make revisions on the essays they are writing. We would like all students to achieve a score of 24 (out of 30).  

     You will find a permission slip, for a lesson by Mrs. Bassett, about the dangers of the choking game.  Your child will need permission to attend the class, which will be taught in March.

    Thank you for helping your child at home and supporting our efforts here at school. We enjoy teaching your children and seeing them succeed. Please contact for any concerns you may have.  
                    Mrs. Payne, Mrs. Williams, Mrs. Little