Tuesday, January 30, 2018

5th Grade Newsletter
January 31, 2018
Coming up:
1st- ALL WORK DUE for Worker’s Holiday
2nd- Worker’s Holiday/Computers and Bingo
       5th-9th- SEP WEEK (School dismissed at 2:30 daily.)
14th-Valentine’s Day(Share Valentines in each class.)
19th- President’s Day (No school)
20th- DARE graduation @ 2:30 in the gym
21st- Next print out for 3rd term/ new blog entry
21st- Famous American list will be sent home

       You should all have a time scheduled next week for SEP’s, to come in with your child and meet with us. Please contact us if you do not have a time scheduled. School is dismissed each day at 2:30, including Wednesday. The middle school and orchestra will be performing for us next week and will give information to the students about joining band or orchestra next year.  Your child will be registering for 6th grade at our conference and s/he will need to know if s/he wants to take band, orchestra, or be in art/music. Your child will also need to know what instrument s/he will be learning, if in band or orchestra.
North Elementary has a great after school tutoring program for all students in Iron County.  It is free. The hours are M-T-Th from 3:30-5:30 and Wed. 1:30-3:30. This is a great place for kids to go to get extra math help!
We are loving our Chromebooks, thanks to a fabulous PTA.  We are however, short on headphones. The PTA is working on this, but we really need them now.  If you can possibly send in headphones, or earbuds, that your child can leave in his/her desk, it will make the use of our computer time much better. It would be a good idea to put them in a ziplock bag with your child’s name on it. Thank you to those who have already sent them in.
Our Worker’s Holiday will be this Friday, February 2, in the afternoon.  ALL missing work on this printout must be turned in tomorrow, in order to earn the activity. Students must also have an overall score of 80%, or higher, to qualify.  We will be using our computers for some fun activities, as well as playing Bingo.
We have had DARE this year, after not having it for several years. Officer Taylor has been great. We will be having our DARE graduation on Tuesday, February 20 at 2:30 in the gym. Office Taylor will ask two students from each class to read their DARE essay that day. Parents are invited to come.
Your child should have brought home a purple paper to record home reading for the next three months.  This is NOT additional reading.  Just record the same reading on the purple paper as you do the green planner for Mrs. Williams and Mrs. Little.  For Mrs. Payne, you will need to record the time your child reads on this purple sheet, since her students don’t  keep a reading log. This Kite-Flight For Reading is a Lion’s Club program, and they pay us just to have kids read!  The students will be able to get a free book or kite when they turn in the reading paper on Saturday, April 28 at the Cedar Middle School soccer field. PLEASE keep the paper on the fridge, bedroom door, or somewhere it won’t get lost. Our school has earned quite a bit of money from this in the past years.
Students will celebrate Valentine’s Day in their individual classes. Class list will be sent home and those who bring Valentines need to bring one for everyone in class. Each teacher will send information.
   Thank you for helping your child at home and supporting our efforts here at school. We enjoy teaching your children and seeing them succeed. Please contact us for any concerns you may have. We look forward to meeting with you and your child next week.
                 Mrs. Williams, Mrs. Little, & Mrs. Payne


Tuesday, January 16, 2018

January 17, 2018

Here’s What’s Happening in 5th Grade
 January 17, 2018
Events Coming Up:

We hope you can take advantage of the Cedar North Community Education classes
offered by our district.  These are held at North Elementary School. These include art
studio classes, geology, and chess clubs. Your child can get math tutoring there as well
(MTTh at 3:30-5:30, and W at 1:30-3:30).  

Our school Spelling Bee will be held February 13 (class tests will be given tomorrow, and
two students from each class will be selected). Winners on the school level will compete in
the Region. Our school Talent Show auditions will be held March 14. If your child is
interested, s/he can start preparing for that.  

You should have received an email concerning the Chemistry Competition.
The test will be administered to 5th grade students today and tomorrow, and a
South Elementary team will be formed. This team of 4-6 students will compete at
SUU Monday, March 12.  Tomorrow (Thursday 18th) the Code Changers will visit our
5th grades.  We are always thrilled to participate in STEM activities.  

DARE essays (information essays; typed) are due on Friday 19th.  
Students have all the information they need in their DARE booklets, but they will need
to complete this at home. If they don’t have access to a computer, they can come to school
early or stay in for break.

SEP Conferences are coming up the first week of February. Look for an SEP schedule
coming home today with your child’s progress report. If you need to make a change,
feel free to write your child’s name in a blank spot on the form.
We’re looking forward to discussing your child’s progress during February 5-9.  

Civil War Project:  Students in Mrs. Payne’s class are working on a Civil War Project.
Since most of the work on this project will be done at home, a form was sent home last
week with a list of ideas to choose from. If your child is having a difficult time coming up
with a project, have him/her show you the list and you can offer help. These projects will
be presented to the class anytime between January 15-26.  Thanks!  

As always, we appreciate your continued support in our efforts to help your child succeed
in school. We value your insights and concerns as we work together in this important effort.  
   Mrs. Payne, Mrs. Williams, Mrs. Little

A personal note from Mrs. Payne:
Thank you for all your gifts for our classroom (and for me personally!)
I was surprised by the outpouring of warmth I received from you all.  
I wrote thank you cards and gave them to your children with the hope
that they would make it home to you.  However, I noticed that one of my
students was using his card as a bookmark :)   I want you to know that you
are doing an awesome job raising responsible, respectful children.  
Thank you!