Wednesday, December 10, 2014

December 10, 2014

Fifth Grade Newsletter:  December 10, 2014

Dear Parents,

     Time seems to move quickly at this time of year.  When we return after Christmas, we will have the final grades for 2nd term on Wednesday, January 7.
     We will continue to work hard the next week and a half and still fit in some fun Christmas activities.  We will be having school-wide Christmas singing sessions next week.   Our very own 5th grade orchestra will play several songs on Thursday, December 18 at 2:45, when the 5th grade is in charge of the singing.  (You are invited to listen to the orchestra perform).
     We will have individual class Christmas parties on Friday, December 19 in the afternoon.  Information about the parties is listed below.  

     Hopefully, students will take the opportunity to read a lot during the Christmas break.  I am really pleased with the number of books my students are reading.  Some of them are racking up stickers on the chart like I never imagined!  I'm noticing a difference in their quality of writing in their Reading Response Journals.  I'm also noticing that they are writing with more "voice".  
     *FYI:  My class is the only class that uses Response Journals.  The other two require book reports.  Thanks for supporting me in this change.  I'm so happy that students are on board and putting forth extra effort in reading.

     Thanks for encouraging your children to practice their typing skills.  Again, I am seeing improvement.  About half of the students are typing 20 wpm.  I'm thrilled about that.   Students can continue to improve as they type letters to Grandma, type stories, or whatever they want.
      I do appreciate the great support I feel from each of you.  I hope all is well with your family, and that you have a wonderful Christmas and holiday season.

                                                                    Sincerely, Mrs. Payne 

P.S.  Please look for the bright orange verification slip to sign, stating that you have read this newsletter and have looked at your child's grade on Power School.  The next newsletter will be sent home January 7th.

                                                  CHRISTMAS PARTY
         Please bring a wrapped gift ($2-$3).  Girls label your gift, "Girl".  Boys label your gift, "Boy".
We will do an activity and each student will end up with one of the gifts.   If this is a problem, please let me know.  I don't want this to be a burden on you, with everything else you are expected to do.
 I always keep a few gifts tucked away in case someone can't bring one.  

         We will watch a Family Feature Christmas movie and would like a few treats.  If you would like to furnish a treat, please let me know.  Ideas are:

                One package of cookies
                One bag of chips or pretzels
                One bag of individual candy treats (like mini Snickers bars, etc.)