Tuesday, February 5, 2013

February 2013

      This month is filled with activities.  Some you need to be aware of, and others you might just find interesting.
       First, we have begun learning how to play the harmonica.  I'm sure you know all about that.  One of my students said she played some of the songs over and over for her family:)   Students need to bring their harmonicas to school on Fridays and an occasional Wednesday so we can practice together.  We will plan to perform at Arts Night in March.
      Civil War Project.  Your child has a list of project ideas that s/he can choose from to share with the class on Friday, February 22.  S/he has two weeks to complete one of those projects.  Please ask them how they are doing on this.
     The Magic of Writing Contest entries were due to be handed in to me on Wednesday, 6th.  This allows me a chance to read them and offer help in editing and revising, if needed.  If this was not possible, I will allow an extra day.  Mrs. Marriott needs them Friday morning.  SUU English classes will then read them and select winning entries from each grade level.  The SUU students will also give feedback on how students can improve their writing. 
     Worker's Holiday will be this coming Monday (11th),  IF we have enough snow.  You can read all the details in the newsletter that went home Wednesday.
     My class will have a student teacher, beginning on the 22nd.  Her name is Shannon Hartline, and she'll be with us for five weeks.  I'm looking forward to having her join our class.
     We will have a short Valentine Party on the 14th.  Students can bring a Valentine for their classmates, and a treat, if they choose.  We'll take time to play a game and share cards and treats.
     Our class is scheduled to take the Direct Writing Assessment (DWA) on February 26 at 9:00 AM.  We have been working hard, writing and revising, trying to raise essay scores on the Utah Write web site.  I am really proud of the persistence these students have exhibited.  They are staying in the struggle, and they are seeing results for their efforts.  A score over 22 is a good score, and we have  students who have achieved scores of 26 and above.  Wow!
     We are learning about Static Electricity and will begin studying Current Electricity next week.
We are not requiring our 5th graders to enter the science fair (in March), but we strongly encourage it.  If they choose not to enter, they will need to write a research paper.   The details of this are included with the newsletter and progress reports on Wednesday.

      This is a hard-working group of students, and I enjoy teaching them.  I appreciate your support.  Please let me know if I can better help your child succeed in school.

                                                                 Jeanne Payne

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