Friday, March 30, 2018

5th Grade Newsletter        March 28, 2017
Dear Parents,
Our Science Day is the Tuesday after we come back from Easter Break
(April 10).  We still have a few students who have not turned in the Science
Expo form.  Students should be well into their experiment, invention, or
research paper, because this is in a little under two weeks. Parents are
invited to come view projects in our classrooms from 2:30-3:15.  You are
welcome to take your child home at 3:15. It would be inconvenient if your
child leaves earlier, since they will be showing their projects to other parents
and students until 3:15.
Mrs. Bassett will be presenting the dangers of the choking game on
Thursday, April 12.  We already have the permission (or not) slips for this.
We will be going on a field trip to Zion on Tuesday, April 17.  We need a
lunch count by this Friday. We would love to have a few parents come with us.  
Please let us know if you would like to come, and also if you need a school
lunch. We will leave right at 8:50 and return by 3:25.
We will be giving your child a script for the Great American program at
the end of April. Students will need to memorize the short part that each
will be given.  Keep looking for an appropriate costume for your child’s
character. We also need a few instrumental music solos for our program.  
We are needing (hopefully): “Yankee Doodle”, “New York, New York”,
(or another movie tune), “Stars and Stripes Forever”, “Home on The Range”,
“Olympic Fanfare”, and a classical type piece.  If your child would like to do
one of these, have them let us know and we can have him/her audition for
the number. We would like these solos selected before April 20.
Please continue to put reading time on the purple Kite Flight Calendar.  
Student will turn these in on Saturday, April 28, at the CMS soccer field to
receive prizes, and earn money for South Elementary.
We are continuing to learn many new things, so attendance is really important.
 Our testing schedule is listed on the calendar below. Your child will be in the
best situation by taking the test with the whole class at the scheduled times.
Thank you for your continued support.
Mrs. Williams, Mrs. Little, & Mrs. Payne
5th Grade Calendar(What we know so far…..)
Fri.,-Apr. 30-Lunch count for Zion needed
                    COLOR RUN PACKET DUE.
Mon.-Fri., Apr. 2-6  EASTER BREAK (No school)
Tues., Apr. 10-SCIENCE DAY (Students will present about 3 mins. each)
Tues., Apr. 17-Field trip to Zion
Wed., Apr. 18-Blog up-date and grades
Thurs., Apr. 26- Reading Celebration(afternoon)
Mon., Apr. 30- TESTING (morning)Payne only
Tues., May 1- TESTING (morning)
Wed., May 2-Blog up-date and grades
Thurs., May 3-TESTING (morning)
                       Color Run @ 2:00
Fri., May 4-TESTING (morning)
                  Orchestra Program @ 2:00
Mon., May 7-TESTING (morning)
Tues., May 8-TESTING (morning)Williams & Little only
Wed., May 9-Costume check (Bring Famous American costume to school)
Thurs., May 10-Battle of the Books (We could use some parent helpers AM)
                         Program practice in the afternoon.
Fri., May 11-Last day for BOOK REPORTS or JOURNAL(Payne)
                   Middle School Tour in the morning (We walk back)
        Program practice in the afternoon
Mon., May 14-Program practice in the morning
Tues., May 15--GREAT AMERICAN PROGRAM (10:00-school/ 2:00-Parents)
                        WEAR COSTUME TO SCHOOL.
Wed., May 16-Judicial Reading Award (sundaes) in the afternoon
                      FINAL Blog up-date and grades
                      MIDDLE SCHOOL OPEN HOUSE 6-7 PM(pick up 6th grade schedule)
Thurs., May 17-Congressional Reading Award PM (movie/popcorn)
Fri., May 18- Executive Reading Reward AM (Breakfast in the Park)     
Mon., May 21-Worker’s Holiday (Tent Day)
Tues., May 22--Field Day
Wed., May 23--Last day of school/ Dismissal at 1:30

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