Monday, April 30, 2018

May 1, 2018

Dear Parents,
We have jumped into SAGE testing, and it’s looking good so far.  Remember
that a good night’s sleep, a healthy breakfast, and a reassuring word will help them
more than anything else. Last Friday, every child was given a copy of our
Great American Program script, so s/he can begin memorizing.  Please let us
know if you are having trouble finding a costume, so we can help you look. Students
need to bring in costumes on Wed., May 9 or a costume check.
Encourage your child to keep reading at home.  Remember, the last day for
book reports (Mrs. Little/Mrs. Williams class), and reading journals
(Mrs. Payne class) is Friday, May 11. Mrs. Payne’s class can turn in their reading
journals any time they finish reading a book.  Also, Mrs. Payne’s students have only
one more week to earn the Patriot Award. The Color Run is this Thursday at 2:00.
 Be sure your child is wearing a light colored shirt and pants and shoes that can get
color dust on them.  Glasses and bandanas are for sale tomorrow before and after
school for $2.00 each.
Remember the white cotton t-shirt (new or old), for Mrs. Davis’ end of year art
activity.  The t-shirt is due by May 4.
We were sorry to hear that Mrs. Neumann’s father passed away this past week.
However, she is back teaching orchestra, and will carry on with the orchestra
performance on May 4 at 2:00.  
This year is quickly coming to an end!  Thanks for your support in and out of the
Mrs. Payne, Mrs. Williams, Mrs. Little

Tues., May 1- Blog up-date and grades
Thurs., May 3- Testing (morning)
                         Color run @2:00
Fri., May 4- Testing (morning)
                   Orchestra program @2:00
Mon., May 7- Testing (morning)
Tues., May 8- Testing (morning)
Last day to earn Patriot Award (Mrs. Payne's class)
Wed., May 9- Costume check (Bring Famous American costume to school)
Thurs., May 10-  Battle of the Books (We could still use some parents help AM)
                           Program practice in the afternoon.
Fri., May 11- Last day for BOOK REPORTS or JOURNAL (Payne)
                     Middle school tour in the morning
                     Program practice in the afternoon
Mon., May 14- Program practice in the morning
Tues., May 15- GREAT AMERICAN PROGRAM (10:00 am school/ 2:00 pm Parents)
                         WEAR COSTUMES TO SCHOOL
Wed., May 16- Judicial Ready Award (Sundaes) in the afternoon
                        Final Blog up-date and grades
                        MIDDLE SCHOOL OPEN HOUSE 6-7 PM (Pick up 6th grade
Thurs., May 17- Congressional Reading Award PM (movie and popcorn)
Fri., May 18- Executive Reading Award AM (Breakfast in the Park)
Mon., May 21- Worker’s Holiday (Tent Day)
Tues., May 22- Field Day
Wed., May 23- Last day of school/Dismissal at 1:30

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