Tuesday, March 22, 2016

March 23, 2016

March 23, 2016   NEWSLETTER
Dear Parents,
We are ready to start  4th quarter.  WOW!!  All work for 3rd quarter is due tomorrow, Thurs., Mar. 24 in order to earn Worker’s Holiday. All students got a missing assignment list last week.  We are going to the Aquatic Center this Fri., Mar. 25, in the afternoon, for our Worker’s Holiday.  Students who have not earned this will stay at the school to work on missing assignments. The cost is $2.00 per students.  WE ARE IN NEED OF A FEW PARENTS WHO WILL GET IN THE WATER WITH THE STUDENTS.  This will be from 1:15-2:45.  We will be riding a bus to and from the Aquatic Center, however, if you want your child to walk home after swimming please send a note.  If a student does not have a note s/he must ride the bus back to school.
Spring Pictures are tomorrow.
The last day to order a yearbook is March 29.  
We are excited to have your child present what s/he has learned from doing her/his science project.  The students will be presenting their finding to their classes on Fri., Apr. 1, during the morning.  They will display their projects in our classrooms from 2:45-3:15 for parents to come view, if you would like.  You are welcome to take them home at 3:15 if you wish.  We have the upper grade TALENT SHOW in the gym at 1:00 on Apr. 1, as well. Remember that tryouts are after school tomorrow, if your child turned in an entry form.
Please be thinking about what costume your child will need as s/he dresses as her/his famous American for our end of year program on May 24.  Make-up is fine, but please do not paint faces to change skin colors. Students will get a script in April.  Every student will have a part to memorize.  
We want to wish you a Happy Easter on Sunday!  We do not have any days off for Easter because of the week long Spring Break.
We are working hard in class and good attendance is so important.  We are still learning many new things, and will also start reviewing the things we have been learning all year.   We will be taking our end-of-year tests, starting in late April. We should be able to give you our schedule for testing in the next newsletter, on April 6.
We want to encourage students to READ, READ, READ!!  A book report for Mrs. Williams and Mrs. Little’s students is due by April 19.  the second report is due by May 17.  ALL BOOK REPORTS FOR READING REVOLUTION ARE DUE BY MAY 17.   Mrs. Payne’s students need to continue writing in their Reading Response Journals (due each Wednesday).  Our 5th grade Battle of the Books will be on May 12.  
We will need parent help during the morning of May 12 to help with
Battle of the Books.
Thank you so much for the great support that you give us and your children!  We love teaching your children and cannot believe how quickly this year has gone.
Mrs. Williams, Mrs. Little, & Mrs. Payne

**Our next newsletter will be posted on April 6.


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